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Presentation on theme: "Animal & Plant Cells Eukaryotes CELL MEMBRANE RIBOSOMES CELL WALL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal & Plant Cells Eukaryotes CELL MEMBRANE RIBOSOMES CELL WALL
MITOCHONDRIA VACUOLE CHLOROPLAST CELL WALL CYTOPLASM NUCLEUS Larger More complex Nucleus present Plasmids Prokaryotes Strand of DNA Flagella Smaller No nucleus Bacteria

2 Sperm Cell DIFFERENTIATED CELLS Nerve Cell Muscle Cell Root hair Cell
Fertilises the female egg cell Electrical impulses Carries ………………………….. around the body Adaptations Long Many connections at the ends Adaptation Head - ………………………………… and an ………………………. to help penetrate the egg cell membrane. Middle section - …………………………….. for energy. …………. – movement to the egg. Genetic information enzyme Muscle Cell mitochondria Contract quickly Adaptations long Contain lots of ………………………. Tail Root hair Cell Absorbs water and mineral ions from the soil Adaptations Long 'finger-like' structure gives a ……………………………….. mitochondria Palisade Cell Site of ……………………………… Adaptations Contains …………………………… to absorb light energy photosynthesis chloroplasts Large surface area

unspecialised They are , hence they can become any type of cell. As the cells divide they become differentiated Stem cells can be used in new treatments for Can be harvested from inside There are social and ethical issues concerning the use of human embryonic stem cells. paralysis Embryos Umbilical cords Bone marrow

4 Cell division - Mitosis
Chromosomes nucleus DNA is found in the nucleus Each contains chromosomes or pairs 46 23 gene A section of DNA is called a …… Cell division - Mitosis Produces cells! two New cells are genetically Mitosis is used for & to cells. identical growth replace

5 Diffusion of …………………. from the alveoli in the lungs to the blood
Particles spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. villi The finger like structures are called ……… which provide a ………… for faster rate of diffusion of nutrients into the blood. Large surface area oxygen Diffusion of …………………. from the alveoli in the lungs to the blood

6 Osmosis Active transport
Doesn’t require energy Movement of water from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration across a partially permeable membrane Does require energy Against the concentration gradient Concentration of mineral ions is higher inside the root. This requires energy! In the gut. If the concentration of Glucose is higher in the blood than the gut we need active transport to get the nutrients from the gut into the blood. This needs energy!

7 Measles, HIV, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Salmonella, Gonorrhoea
PATHOGEN is a microorganism that causes disease. Bacteria Virus Fungi Protists Reproduce rapidly Make toxins Very small Examples of viral diseases: Measles, HIV, Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Reproduce inside cells Damage your cells Very very small Reproduce using spores Largest cell of these three. Examples of bacterial diseases: Salmonella, Gonorrhoea Example of fungal disease: Rose Black Spot Example of protist disease: Malaria Single celled organisms. Often use vectors. Large and parasitic.

8 Engulf & ingest Antibodies stick to pathogen Anti toxins stick to toxins White blood cells produce antibodies which match the shape of the antigen White-blood cells can quickly produce antibodies next time you’re infected Small amount of dead or inactive pathogen injected Immunity is when your body can make the antibodies needed to kill a pathogen you’ve had before. Vaccines

9 Antibiotics only work on Bacteria!
Not viruses! Preventing Antibiotic Resistance Don’t overuse antibiotics Take specific antibiotics Overuse leads to more bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics. Mutations create new strains which are difficult to treat! Resistant bacteria survive & reproduce & cannot be treated! Developing new drugs Drugs tested to see if they are effective, safe & stable Drug Trials Research drug and make chemicals Tested on tissues and cells Tested on animals Tested on healthy volunteers Clinical trials on unhealthy patients Thalidomide wasn't properly tested and caused limb deformities A double blind trial is when neither the doctors or patients know which is the placebo drug. A PLACEBO is a pill that contains no drug. This helps doctors see the real effect of a medicine.

10 Aerobic respiration + Glucose + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
C6H12O6 + 6H20 ( energy Energy for: Muscle contraction Maintaining body temperature Building new molecules (e.g. enzymes!), cells & tissues Happens in: Mitochondria Folded for a bigger surface area Metabolism: The rate of all chemical reactions in the body Examples include respiration, building up molecules and breaking down molecules

11 + + Anaerobic Respiration: not enough oxygen glucose lactic acid 
energy Lactic acid stops muscles contracting efficiently Oxygen Debt: the amount of oxygen needed to get rid of lactic acid oxygen water lactic acid carbon dioxide + Yeast can produce.... + glucose alcohol Carbon dioxide During exercise… Muscle cells respire more than they do at rest. Oxygen and glucose must be delivered more quickly Waste carbon dioxide must be removed more quickly This is achieved by increasing: depth of breathing rate of breathing heart rate

12 The xylem carry water The phloem carry dissolved sugars

13 Three factors limit the rate of photosynthesis
Light intensity carbon dioxide concentration temperature Enzymes denature Farmers can increase the rate of photosynthesis by: artificial light heating adding carbon dioxide What is the glucose used for? Storage as starch, fats and oils Cellulose to strengthen the cell wall Protein synthesis (with nitrates in the soil) Respiration to give energy

14 Receptors sensitive to
Central nervous system – ………….. and …………… Nervous system Brain Spinal cord Sense organ Receptors sensitive to Skin Tongue Nose Eyes Ears pressure, temperature chemicals in food chemicals in the air light sound and position Conscious Actions Reflex Actions Peripheral nervous system - Neurones s………….. neurone m…………. neurone r neurone SRSRMER Stimulus Stimulus sensory Receptor Receptor motor Sensory neurone Sensory neurone relay Relay neurone Brain & Spinal Cord/CNS Motor neurone Motor neurone Effector (muscle/gland) Effector (muscle/gland) Response

15 Message is transmitted by chemicals called neurotransmitters
The message is an ……………… Chemical message called ……………………………… Chemicals ………………. through the …………………. They bind to ………………………. on the next neurone. It turns back to an ……………. impulse. electrical message How synapses work neurotransmitters diffuse synapse Your nerves are not joined directly to each other. There are junctions between them called SYNAPSE. receptors electrical Message is transmitted by chemicals called neurotransmitters Message is in the form of an electrical impulse along the sensory neurone Electrical impulse along relay neurone Electrical impulse along motor neurone

16 Homeostasis: Keeping the conditions in the body the …………..
Same WATER & SALT (ions) TEMPERATURE You lose water & salt in your urine & sweat SUGAR Kidneys control the amount of water & salt lost in urine Sweating also reduces the water & salt in your body

17 Hormones and Menstrual cycle
Hormones travel in the blood. Effects can be slow but are long lasting. Hormone Produced in... Causes... FSH Pituitary Gland Oestrogen Ovaries LH Egg to mature Lining of the womb to develop Egg to leave ovary IVF Treatment …….. is used to mature eggs from ovaries Eggs collected & fertilised with …………... in a petri dish. ………….. are inserted back inside the …………… FSH Contraception sperms Contains ……………... to stop the egg maturing. oestrogen Embryos uterus

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