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T. Ragunathan and P. Krishna Reddy

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1 T. Ragunathan and P. Krishna Reddy
Improving the Performance of Read-only Transactions Through Asynchronous Speculation T. Ragunathan and P. Krishna Reddy International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT-H), Hyderabad, India

2 Outline Introduction and issues 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Overview of Speculative Locking Speculative Locking for Read-only Transactions Simulation results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

3 Introduction.. Modern web-based information systems should meet intensive information requirements from large number of users. Must exploit cost-effective processing power Possibilities of parallel processing should be identified. In this paper we investigate the issue of improving the performance of read-only transactions by increasing parallelism and exploiting cost-effective processing power.

4 Introduction.. Information systems frequently execute read-only transactions or queries. Two-phase locking lacks the power of meeting growing throughput demand. performance degrades with data contention. Snapshot-isolation-based protocol improves performance over 2PL. Suffers from data currency issues Correctness is compromised.

5 Introduction In the literature, speculative locking is proposed to improve the parallelism by exploiting the low cost processing power. A transaction carries out multiple executions under speculation It has been shown that speculation improves performance over two-phase locking for OLTP workloads. In this paper we have extended speculative locking protocol for ROTs (SLR) by carrying out executions in asynchronous mode It improves the performance over ROTs. Trades performance with extra processing resources Does not violate serializability criteria No data currency related issues

6 Issues for Processing ROTs
Performance High throughput performance Correctness Serializability criteria: The execution of transactions should be equivalent to a serial execution. Data currency “The data currency of the data object provided to Ti is the value of “t” which is the time difference between the commit time of the transaction which created the latest version of the data object and the commit time of the transaction which created the version of that data object that was read by Ti. If “t” is less/more, it means that transactions are provided with high/low data currency. ”. Example: cricket score

7 Outline Introduction and issues 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Overview of Speculative Locking Speculative Locking for Read-only Transactions Simulation results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

8 Two-Phase locking Processes transactions at serializable-isolation level No data currency related issues Under 2PL, the performance of ROTs degrades with data contention. ROTs wait for UTs. Lock Request by Ti Lock Held by Tj R W yes no

9 Snapshot-Isolation (SI) based protocol
SI-based protocol is a popular protocol An ROT reads snapshot of the (committed) data. Ignores the effect of concurrent UTs. An ROT running at SI is never blocked. High performance Data currency is compromised Violates serializability criteria

10 Outline Introduction and issues 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Overview of Speculative Locking Speculative Locking for Read-only Transactions Simulation results Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

11 Speculative Locking Protocol
Normally, a transaction starts producing after-images at the earlier stage of its execution. Though these after-image values are not effected during remaining processing, the transaction releases locks only after commit processing. In speculative approach, the transaction releases locks on a data object whenever it produces corresponding after-image value. By accessing both before- and after-images, the waiting transaction carries out speculative executions. A transaction commits only after receiving termination decisions of the preceding transactions. Lock Request by Ti Lock Held by Tj R EW SPW yes no sp_yes

12 Speculative locking: Example
In case of speculative approach, on completion of final update operation on X by T1, T2 reads both X and X´ and carries out speculative executions. T2 commits only after the termination of T1. If T1 commits , T22 is retained; otherwise T21 is retained. In case of 2PL, it can be observed that even though T1 updates X at earlier stage of execution, it releases the lock only after commit processing. s1 e1 c1 time r1[X] w1[X'] r1[Y] w1[Y'] r2[X] w2[X'] r2[Z] w2[Z'] s2 e2 c2 (i) 2PL T1: T2: T1 completes work on X T1 releases lock on X r1[X] w1[X'] r1[Y] w1[Y'] s1 e1 c1 s2 e2 c2 r2[X'] w2[X"'] r2[Z] w2[Z"] r2[X] w2[X"] r2[Z] w2[Z'] time (ii) SL T1: T2: T21 T22

13 SL family of protocols In the literature, it has been shown that SL can improve the performance by trading extra resources in distributed environments. A family of SL protocols, SL(n), SL(1), and SL(2) are proposed. In SL(1) the number of speculative execution increases linearly with data contention. SL protocol produces serializable executions. The number of speculative executions explode with data contention.

14 Outline Introduction 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Basic Speculative Locking Protocol Asynchronous Speculative Locking protocol for Read-only Transactions Performance Evaluation Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

15 Speculative Locking for ROTs (SLR): Basic Idea
In the literature, speculative locking is proposed to process update transactions (UTs). UTs contain both read and write operations. In SL, whenever a UT carries out write operation, it produces new uncommitted versions which are added to the data object trees. Observation: Write operations are the cause for the generation of new uncommitted versions which in turn increase speculative executions. Regarding ROTs ROTs only read data. ROTs can commit at any time So, if we process only ROTs with speculation, performance can be improved with less number of additional resources.

16 Basic idea to improve performance of ROTs with speculation
Process update transactions with two-phase locking (2PL) Update transactions release the locks whenever it completes execution. ROTs are processed with speculation.

17 Straightforward Extension of Speculation to ROT
Synchronous SL for ROT Update Transactions are processed with 2PL. Whenever UT produces after-images, ROT reads both before- and after-images and carries out speculative executions. An ROT waits till the preceding transaction produces after-image to carry out speculative executions.

18 Synchronous Speculation: Example (T1 and T3 are UTs and T2 is ROT)
Lock Request by Ti Lock Held by Tj RR RU EW SPW yes no sp_yes

19 Proposed Method: Asynchronous Speculation to Process ROTs
The speculative executions of ROTs can be processed in an asynchronous fashion or independent manner. An ROT does not wait for after-image. The ROT is allowed to access the available data object versions and carry out speculative executions. Whenever preceding transaction produces after-image, further speculative executions can be started in a dynamic manner. In SLR, an ROT commits whenever it completes execution by retaining appropriate execution without waiting for the preceding transactions. Parallelism improves as compared to synchronous SL and 2PL

20 Asynchronous Speculation: Example

21 Asynchronous Speculation Lock compatibility matrix
Request by Ti Lock Held by Tj RR RU EW SPW yes sp_yes no

22 ASLR – correctness Three types of conflicts can occur: - RW conflict
- WW conflict - WR conflict. Regarding RW conflict, a conflicting UT has to wait for the commitment of ROT to obtain the lock as per 2PL rule. So, all the RW conflicts are captured with ASLR. WW conflicts happen among UTs only. UTs follow 2PL. WR conflicts force ROT to do speculative executions. The ROT commits with the execution which has taken only committed values of UTs. So WR conflict is captured. So, ASLR captures all the conflicts and ensures that serialization graph is acyclic. So, the history produced by ASLR is serializable.

23 Outline Introduction 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Basic Speculative Locking Protocol Speculative Locking protocol for Read-only Transactions Performance Evaluation Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

24 Simulation Model Discrete event simulator based on a closed-queuing model is developed. DB SIZE= 1000 Transactions ROTs (15-20) UTs (5-15) CPU time- 5 ms, IO Time – 10ms We have compared 2PL, SL, ASLR, SI-2PL and FCWR protocols.

25 Table 1. Simulation Parameters, Meaning and Values
dbSize Number of objects in the database 1000 cpuTime Time to carry out CPU request 5 ms ioTime Time to carry out I/O request 10 ms rotMaxTranSize Size of largest ROT transaction 20 objects rotMinTranSize Size of smallest ROT transaction 15 objects utMaxTranSize Size of largest UT transaction utMinTranSize Size of smallest UT transaction 5 objects noResUnits Number of RUs( 1 CPU, 2 I/O ) 8 MPL Multiprogramming Level(10 – 100) Simulation Variable % of UTs Percentage of UTs ( )

26 Performance Metrics Throughput CPU Utilization
# of transactions completed per second CPU Utilization Let ‘c’ and ‘t’ denote CPU idle time and total simulation time respectively. Then, CPU utilization = 100(1 – (c/t)).

27 Performance results under unlimited resources

28 MPL vs Throughput Performance of ASLR is significantly higher than that of 2PL and FCWR, SI2PL. FCWR and SI2PL suffers from correctness ASLR performance is superior to SL.

29 Details of Speculative Executions
The average number of speculative executions: SL= 4.2 and ASLR=1.5

30 MPL versus CPU Utilization

31 Performance results under limited resources

32 Throughput Performance

33 Implementation issues
Pre-compiling. - A software module is required to put lock conversion marker. - During execution, when the lock conversion marker is encountered, the EW-lock on the data object is converted into the SPW-lock. Speculative executions. - We have assumed that speculative executions of a transaction are carried out in parallel by considering multi-processor (multi-core) environment.

34 Comparison of ASLR,SL, 2PL and FCWR
Parameter ASLR SL 2PL FCWR Throughput Performance High Low Medium Device utilization Performance variation with additional computing resources Performance increases Performance increases slowly Performance cannot be improved Additional resource requirement Manage-able (0.2 times) Very High Not required Data Currency Maximum Minimum Correctness Serializable Not Serializ-able

35 Outline Introduction 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Basic Speculative Locking Protocol Asynchronous speculative locking protocol for read-only transactions. Performance Evaluation Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

36 Related Work Four isolation levels are specified in ANSI/ISO SQL-92 standard read uncommitted, read committed, repeatable read, and serializable. Snapshot Isolation Serializability Violation Low Data Currency Problem Recently Alan Fekete (ACM June 2005) has made an effort to make SI serilaizable by modifying the program logic. Also he works on automating the task of modifying the program (VLDB 2007). Speculation has been extended to improve the performance of distributed database systems

37 Outline Introduction 2PL and SI-based Protocols
Basic Speculative Locking Protocol Synchronous speculative locking protocol for read-only transactions Asynchronous speculative locking protocol for read-only transactions. Performance Evaluation Related Work Conclusions and Future Work

38 Conclusions and Future work
Proposed improved protocol for ROTs based on asynchronous speculation. Improves the performance significantly over 2PL and SI-based protocols. Improves data currency over SI-based protocols. Requires manageable extra processing resources. Future work Investigation in distributed database environment Investigating for real-time read-only transactions.

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