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By Megan O’Connor and Kim Abbott Walhalla Elementary School

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1 By Megan O’Connor and Kim Abbott Walhalla Elementary School
STEM Long-Range Plan By Megan O’Connor and Kim Abbott Walhalla Elementary School

2 Scope and Sequence Unit 1 Mixtures and Solutions All Mixed Up! Unit 2
Landforms and Oceans How Waves Affect Shoreline Unit 3 Forces and Motion Jet Toy Unit 4 Ecosystem and Human Impact Oil Spill

3 Additional Experiences
Quick Activities Concentration and Dilution Lab How Salty is the Sea? Savannah Watershed Google Maps 4-H Watershed Malaysian Flight Search Earthquake-Proof House Literature-Based Activities Ducks in the Flow What Do You Do with a Problem? If I Built A Car?

4 By Megan O’Connor and Kim Abbott Walhalla Elementary School
All Mixed Up! By Megan O’Connor and Kim Abbott Walhalla Elementary School

5 Standards 5.P.2A. Conceptual Understanding: Matter is made up of particles that are too small to be seen. Even though the particles are very small, the movement and spacing of these particles determines the basic properties of matter. 5.P.2B. Conceptual Understanding: A mixture is formed when two or more kinds of matter are put together. Sometimes when two or more different substances are mixed together, a new substance with different properties may be formed but the total amount (mass) of the substances is conserved. Solutions are a special type of mixture in which one substance is dissolved evenly into another substance. When the physical properties of the components in a mixture are not changed, they can be separated in different physical ways. Performance Indicators: Students who demonstrate this understanding can: 5.P.2B.1 Obtain and communicate information to describe what happens to the properties of substances when two or more substances are mixed together. 5.P.2B.2 Analyze and interpret data to support claims that when two substances are mixed the total amount (mass) of the substances does not change. 5.P.2B.3 Develop models using observations to describe mixtures, including solutions, based on their characteristics. 5.P.2B.4 Construct explanations for how the amount of solute and the solvent determine the concentration of a solution. 5.P.2B.5 Conduct controlled scientific investigations to test how different variables (including temperature change, particle size, and stirring) affect the rate of dissolving. 5.P.2B.6 Design and test the appropriate method(s) (such as filtration, sifting, attraction to magnets, evaporation, chromatography, or floatation) for separating various mixtures.

6 Mrs. Abbott and Mrs. O’Connor set up an experiment in the science lab to learn about mixtures and solutions and the first graders went in there and mixed up all of our stuff! You need to figure out a way to separate all of the materials again using your knowledge of the properties of matter (solids, liquids, gases). The Problem

7 Engineering Design Loop

8 What will students do? Make observations about the mixtures and
solutions and draw and label pictures. Use the engineering design loop to determine, test, and evaluate, and present solutions. Record thinking in Engineering Journals. Used to see student thinking and can be used as an assessment.

9 Materials Available Plastic cups Cardboard Duct tape Coffee filters
Metal screens (different gauges) Aluminum pans Gauze Scissors Materials Available

10 Evaluation, Improvement, and Presentation
What worked? How was your design improved? Write in engineering journals Present findings and prototype to class Class stage Google Slides

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