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Conferences TERENA GA Malaga, Spain June 2009

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1 Conferences TERENA GA Malaga, Spain 11-12 June 2009
Miroslav Milinović TERENA VP Conferences Conferences

2 TNC 2009, 8-11 June, Malaga, Spain Organised by TERENA
Hosted by UMA and RedIRIS Support provided by Unicongress/Atlanta 485 participants (10 in “student category”) 105 speakers in 4 plenaries and 32 sessions streaming: max number of simultaneous users: 195 average: 90 total unique users (Unique client IPs) : 1,088 WLAN / eduroam stats: max. of 301 simultaneous WLAN connections max. of 145 simultaneous eduroamers total of 9326 successful authentications (590 in the buses)

3 Comparison: 2007 – 2008 - 2009 TNC 2007 TNC 2008 TNC 2009*
number of participants 480 519 485 streaming: no. of simultaneous users average / max. 70/107 ?/108* 90/195 max. number of simultaneous conections: WLAN (eduroam) 291 (56) 264 (43)* 301 (145)

4 TNC: number of participants

5 Preliminary results from the on-line evaluation

6 Programme Committee 2009 Chair Members
Andrew Cormack JANET(UK) United Kingdom Members Hansruedi Born SWITCH Switzerland Jacqueline Brown Pacific Northwest USA Gigapop Serge Droz SWITCH Switzerland Victoriano Giralt UMA Spain Baiba Kaškina SigmaNet Latvia András Kovács NIIF/HUNGARNET Hungary Melanie Pankhurst DANTE Jürgen Rauschenbach DFN Germany Ligia Ribiero EUNIS Portugal Esther Robles RedIRIS Spain Péter Szegedi TERENA

7 Programme Committee 2010 Chair Members Jean-Paul Le Guigner CRU France
Bartosz Belter PSNC Poland Jacqueline Brown Pacific Northwest USA Gigapop Serge Droz SWITCH-CERT Switzerland Baiba Kaškina IMCS UL, SigmaNet Latvia András Kovács NIIF / HUNGARNET Hungary Otto Kreiter DANTE Jan Meijer UNINETT Norway Jürgen Rauschenbach DFN Germany Brook Schofield TERENA Raimundas Tuminauskas Litnet Lithuania Stefan Winter Restena Luxemburg

8 TERENA Networking Conference 2010
31 May - 3 June 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania

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