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F 3 Donnez-moi le poème X5 plus traduction

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1 Mardi le 12 novembre

2 F 3 Donnez-moi le poème X5 plus traduction
NOTE ORALE: Poème aujourd'hui pour 100 TOUT LE MONDE: Le travail sur paquets de langue (1-4) mettez sur votre papier Coming up: Presentations all week *Art project: Dec. 3rd *Speaking grade: Dec. 4th and 5th Art quiz: Dec. 6th *Test: Dec. 13th *Fairytale: Dec. 16th***

3 F 2 PreAP 1.DUE: W/B 1.1 (13-16) in for 100
2.Body/clothes-finish up packet H/W: W/B 1.2 (19-20, 25-26) & study bor. Words Next: Speaking packet

4 F 2 R 1.H/W: W/B 1.1 (13-15) in for 100 2.B/C pages in class
Next: Speaking packet

5 F 1 DUE: TIME PAGE 1.Review O Canada song
2.Review new words: (notes pg ) *3.Write out skit with partner (Café skit is next Wednesday and is 1st major grade of 3rd 6 weeks) H/W: W/B 2.3 (35-36, 39-40) Postcards: Due Mon. for 100 (we’ll work on them later this week) Café skit: next Wed/Thurs. O Canada song: Tues. Dec. 3rd Tour de France project: Dec. 9th

6 Nov. 11-15th 2013 week lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi F 1
1.O Canada 2.Over skit, P/C, TDF dates 3.Notes 74, 75,77, 78 H/W: finish Time pg. 4 1.Review song/notes 2.APT back & grade 3.Write out skit H/W: W/B 2.3 (35-36, 39-40) 1.W/B due for 100 2.Over song/words 3.Finish & Prac. Skit H/W: W/B 2.4 (43-44, 48-49, 53-54) F 1 1.W/B 2.3 for 50, 2.4 for 100 2.Practice skit 3. Ratatouille H/W: Finish all W/B Last day for W/B 2.4 Finish Ratatouille Mon: grade W/B Postcards are due Mon. Café skit: Wed/Thurs. F 2 R 1. announcements 2.Body/clothes pgs 3.H/W: W/B 1.H/W: W/B in for 100 2.B/C pages in class 3. H/W: 1.2 (TBA) Puzzles quiz Finish all W/B & B/C pages by bell H/W: bring clothes Late work 50% Clothes in Body bingo or online games or DVD unit 1 (unless work not in) 1.Walk through Fashion show. (Mon). Bring clothes! 2. Watch DVD unit 1 Next: Writing/speaking test unit 1 & begin 2 F 2 PreAP APT check Body/clothes Over bor. Words H/W: 1.W/B 1.1 in for 100 2.Body/clothes 3.H/W: W/B 1.2 (19-20, 25-26, up to 32) & study bor. words 1.Quiz: bor. Words 2.Finish all W/B and B/C pages Bring clothes 1.Late work 50% 2.Clothes in 4. Body games or DVD unit 1 1.Walk thru show 2. See DVD unit 1 3. Body games or online games (unless work’s not in) F 3 1.Write out poem 5 times and translate once 2. DVD unit 1 3. Early poem oral H/W: Work on speaking pkt. 1.Poem oral grade 2.Work on speaking pkt Present ma journee Explain art projects H/W: Finish speaking pkt & do reflexive quiz Present ma journee and virtual tours Speaking pkt due for 100. Self-check reflex. quiz Last day to present oral projects Speaking pkt for 50 Next: art unit and past tenses Art project now 12/3 Fairy Tale-now 12/16

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