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Conceptual Physics by Hewitt C H A P T E R 2- Linear Motion

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1 Conceptual Physics by Hewitt C H A P T E R 2- Linear Motion

2 Rate Rate is a term that refers to how fast something happens or changes. Rate is a quantity divided by time. Examples: 5 lunches served per minute 2 inches of rain per hour 60 miles per hour “per” means divided by So 60 miles per hour = 60 miles/hour or “travel 60 miles in an hour”

3 Speed Speed is a measure of how fast something is moving.
Speed is a rate and has units of distance divided by time. Speed is a scalar quantity meaning there is no direction of movement indicated.

4 Instantaneous Speed The speed at any instant
Speedometer gives instantaneous speed

5 Average Speed Average speed = distance covered time interval
If your odometer tells you that you travelled 100 miles to Grandma’s house and it took you 2 hours, what would be your average speed? me your answer.

6 Velocity Velocity is speed in a given direction.
Velocity is a vector quantity. Examples: 30 miles per hour eastward 20 meters per second downward

7 Instantaneous Velocity
Instantaneous velocity is the velocity at any instant.

8 Average Velocity with a direction with a direction
If Grandma lives 120 miles south of you and it takes you 3 hours to get there, what is your average velocity? .

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