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phylum Chlorophyta –Chlamydomonas

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2 phylum Chlorophyta –Chlamydomonas
a single-celled, flagellated green algae

3 phylum Chlorophyta filamentous colony growth form a single cell



6 Phylum – Brypphyta – Polytrichum sp.

7 phylum Hepaticophyta - liverworts

8 Relationship between gametophyte and sporophyte in nonvascular plants (a), seedless vascular plants (b), and seed plants (c)

9 Pteridophyta - Life Cycle
Kingdom – Plantae Ch. 27. p. 576. Pteridophyta - Life Cycle

10 plant life cycles compared I – the homosporous life cycle (nonvascular plants, most seedless vascular plants) released and disseminated spore growth by mitosis meiosis gametophyte haploid sporangium mature sporophyte archegonia antheridia diploid egg growth by mitosis sperm embryo zygote fertilization

11 phylum Cycadophyta - cycads Dioecious

12 Phylum Ginkgophyta - the ginkgo tree – Gingko biloba

13 Phylum – Coniferophyta (Pinophyta) female pine cone

14 cluster of male pine cones

15 parts of complete flower
male parts female parts

16 monocots vs. dicots – the leaves
monocot leaf monocot leaf dicot leaves petiole

17 monocots vs. dicots – the seeds

18 structure of a dicot seed - notice the two cotyledons

19 monocot vs. dicot stem c/s
xylem phloem conducts water and dissolved minerals conducts dissolved sugars monocot stem vascular bundles dicot stem

20 6 main animal clades based on molecular
Animals - Ch 30, 31 & 32 p. 635. 6 main animal clades based on molecular data Parazoa, Radiata, Biradiata, Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa, Deuterostomia

21 Phylum PORIFERA -sponges
specialized cells but no tissues sessile as adults no nervous system, no muscles plankton filter feeders skeleton consists of spongin and inorganic spicules

22 class ANTHOZOA – sea anemones

23 The two body forms in the Cnidaria
The Polyp is sessile with tentacles oriented upwards and outwards: sea anemone corals Hydra The Medusa is free-swimming with tentacles dangling downwards: - jellyfish

24 Class - CESTODA scolex proglottid (not segments) hooks acetabula
(suckers) hooks

25 class HIRUDINEA - leeches

26 class BIVALVIA freshwater mussell oysters giant clam of the
great barrier reef


28 class CEPHALOPODA cuttlefish octopus squid chambered nautilus

29 many nematodes are parasaites of humans and other vertebrates
heartworm hookworms whipworms filarial worms

30 Subphylum – Chelicerata Arachnida
walking legs 4 pairs of walking legs 2 tagmata (cephalothorax + abdomen) pedipalps chelicerae (=“fangs”) antennae absent pedipalps chelicerae abdomen cephalothorax

31 subphylum - Hexapoda Insecta
3 pairs of walking legs Wings usually present 3 tagmata (head + thorax + abdomen) 1 pair of antennae

32 Deuterostomes – Phylum - Echininodermata
Animals - Ch 29, 30 & 31 p Deuterostomes – Phylum - Echininodermata Asteroidea Ophiuroidea Echinoidea Holothuroidea Crinoidea

33 Echinoderms – Hydraulic/water vascular system – locomotion, feeding
Animals - Ch 29, 30 & 31 p. 670. Stomach Digestive gland Ampulla Gonad Anus Tube feet Spine Dermal gill Pedicellariae 5 mm Echinoderms – Hydraulic/water vascular system – locomotion, feeding and gas exchange

34 Deuterostomia – Phylum – Chordata
Animals - Ch 29, 30 & 31 pp Deuterostomia – Phylum – Chordata Lancelet - Amphioxus sp. Mouth Brain Dorsal, tubular nerve cord Notochord Postanal tail Muscular segments Anus Intestine Pharyngeal (gill) slits Heart Pharynx Endostyle – Mucus secreting pharyngeal groove (thyroid is a derivative) – Sixth chordate character

35 Animals - Ch 29, 30 & 31 p

36 The AMNIOTES – reptiles, birds, mammals – terrestrial vertebrates with extra membranes around the embryo – the amnion, chorion, shell membrane, and shell – allows eggs to be laid on land

37 Class REPTILIA is polyphyletic

38 class MAMMALIA is monophyletic
this fossil synapsid has a mix of reptile and mammal features killer whale cheetahs wooly mammoth Homo erectus

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