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Recommending a Strategy

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1 Recommending a Strategy
Corporate Web Site Maintenance Recommending a Strategy

2 Vision Statement Urban Office Properties will have a comprehensive Web site that provides current and accurate information for customers and employees.

3 Goal and Objective Our goal is to have a current and accurate Web site at all times. The objective is to determine the best way to reach our goal.

4 Today’s Situation The company that was contracted to maintain our Web site, Connection Web Services, has gone out of business. Our graphic designer has been making simple changes as needed. We need the services of a Web developer to make upgrades and software changes.

5 Available Options Continue having our graphic designer update the site as needed, and hire a developer for software changes. Hire a full-time Web developer to maintain the entire site. Hire a contractor to maintain the entire site on an as-needed basis. Hire a company to maintain the entire site.

6 Graphic Designer Advantages Disadvantages Costs Already on staff
Already trained to make most changes Disadvantages Is busy with other job responsiblities Costs Cannot make software changes; would have to hire a Web developer at $75 per hour for software changes

7 Full-time Web Developer
Advantages Could make all changes necessary to the site in a timely manner Disadvantages $80,000 for employee Would take time to hire the right person Costs $6,000 for computer and software purchases

8 Contractor Advantages Disadvantages Costs
Could make all changes necessary as needed One person to deal with Disadvantages Would take time to hire the right person Would have other clients; no guarantee that changes would be made immediately Costs Hourly charges; approximately $20,000 per year

9 Web Site Maintenance Company
Advantages Could make all changes necessary as needed Disadvantages Would take time to find the right company Would have other clients; charges might not be made right away Costs Hourly charges depending on the type of change Approximately $30,000 per year

10 Recommendation Recommend we hire a Web developer
We would maintane control over the Web site and be able to make ongoing changes as well as implement new features and functionality The next step would be to start the hiring process Research and write job description Advertise position Plan office space

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