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Pre-Columbian Era Through Colonization

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1 Pre-Columbian Era Through Colonization
Chapter One, Sections One and Two

2 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details.
Essential Question: When and how did people arrive in the Americas and what did they do when they got here? 3 I can use specific examples and could probably teach someone else about this. 2 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details. 1 I know a couple of things about it but couldn't really tell you much. Why is my desk wet?

3 The Earliest Americans
Aztecs and Incas emerged once their ancestors developed corn Transformed hunter- gatherers into farmers Pueblos had “discovered” corn by 1200 B.C. and created irrigation systems Other Native American people thrived for a time before declining by about A.D. 1300

4 European Exploration The Three Gs
God Glory Gold The Portuguese were the first to sail along the coast of West Africa Danger scared off others Portuguese set up trading posts for gold and slaves Slave trade was nothing new to Africa Plantation system began with large Portuguese sugar plantations

5 Columbus and the New World
Renaissance mindset Italian Columbus convinces Spanish monarchs to supply him for journey west October 12, 1492: Sight of Bahamas Called native people Indians because that was what he thought he had found


7 Treaty of Tordesillas

8 When Worlds Collide Europeans brought technology, animals, and foods to the Americas Horses revolutionized the lifestyles of North American Indian tribes in the Southwest Disease wiped out entire populations of native people across the New World

9 The English in Virginia
The Early Years VA Changes and Grows King James I divided North America between the London Company and the Plymouth Company Joint-stock companies Governed the colonies on their own, investors kept most of profit Sir Walter Raleigh sent group to find site for English colony in America and they named it Virginia Roanoke was founded but had a tragic end Jamestown was first successful English colony Many settlers died of malaria or dysentery Spent more time looking for gold than growing food and the harsh winters took their toll Tobacco was planted in Jamestown by John Rolfe who was taught to plant it by his wife Pocahontas Formation of House of Burgesses Indentured Servants Transition to slave labor by late 1600s

10 Plymouth Colony English Protestants who thought the Reformation didn’t go far enough were called Puritans because they wanted to purify the church with simpler services, for example Some Separatists (known as the Pilgrims) wanted total separation from Church of England Pilgrims set sail for America in Mayflower in 1620 to practice religion freely Pilgrims signed Mayflower Compact (laws for greater good) and established Plymouth Colony Half of the group died during the first winter from hunger, cold, and sickness The rest survived mostly because of help from Wampanoag Indians

11 Massachusetts Bay, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire
Massachusetts Bay founded by Puritan merchants to make profit, also for religious reasons John Winthrop “We must be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us” Colony’s success inspired Great Migration Connecticut formed by settlers who believed in democratic government Rhode Island formed by Roger Williams for separation of church and state Thought settlers should buy land, not take it New Hampshire formed by brother-in-law of Anne Hutchinson who was banished from Massachusetts Bay for disagreeing with church authorities

12 Middle and Southern Colonies
New Netherland (Dutch) became New York (British) Carolinas were land gifts from King Charles II South based on plantations, depended on slave labor North mainly small farmers Eventually the king divided them into 2 royal colonies French existed to north (Canada), Spanish to south (Florida) so people wanted buffer zone which led to establishment of Georgia Pennsylvania settled by William Penn, Quaker who believed in personal communication with God Made agreement with Delaware Indians and that land would eventually become a separate colony Maryland set up as a haven for English Catholics and a source of personal wealth for Lord Baltimore, its proprietor

13 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details.
Essential Question: When and how did people arrive in the Americas and what did they do when they got here? 3 I can use specific examples and could probably teach someone else about this. 2 I know the basics, but am fuzzy on the details. 1 I know a couple of things about it but couldn't really tell you much. Why is my desk wet?

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