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Services Project 1. CREATE A MAP > Log on to Google Earth and do a search for your service in the required area (Realtors on near Hwy 6, etc…) 2. Map every.

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Presentation on theme: "Services Project 1. CREATE A MAP > Log on to Google Earth and do a search for your service in the required area (Realtors on near Hwy 6, etc…) 2. Map every."— Presentation transcript:

1 Services Project 1. CREATE A MAP > Log on to Google Earth and do a search for your service in the required area (Realtors on near Hwy 6, etc…) 2. Map every business within the required area with Google Earth (Google should do it for you.) 3. Create a screen shot and save the map to a power point slide. It should fill the page. Make sure you check each “dot” on the map as some odd ones can sneak into searches at times. On the power point map label the road boundaries of your range, Cypress Falls HS, your residences > EXAMPLE Range> North: 290 from Hwy 6 to I-99 (new loop) West: I-99 from 290 to I East: Hwy 6 from 290 to I-10 South: I -10 from Fry Road to Hwy 6 4. RANGE > Look at your map in Google Earth, you may be able to clearly see the range between businesses! 5. MEASURE THE RANGE > Using the RULER function at the top of Google Earth, (change the Line and the Path to miles) measure the distance between at least 10 businesses. Start on the main roads and go from there. 6. MAKE A RANGE CHART in Word or Excel showing the distances between 10 or more shops with shop name and distance to the next shop by road. Note if you are working North to South, etc… print a copy to turn in + copy/paste the chart to your power point. Fill the page with the screen print. 7. MARK THE RANGES ON YOUR POWER POINT MAP > Based on your data, make a “best guess” as to what you think the range of the business is and draw it in on the power point slide. Use the shapes feature and draw circles on the map between each business. 8. RANGE ANALYSIS > Include a slide that explains your Range analysis for this business. (clustered, dispersed, on perimeter of area, within neighborhoods, density, etc…)

2 Search for Google Earth and download it to the laptop

3 OR get Google Earth on your phone – it is free

4 Search for your business/service such as Day Care centers in Cypress Texas

5 R U L E To find the range Use Google Earth (not Google maps)
Set up your range map with boundaries assigned. use the Rule function and measure the range between service 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and so on. You must have 10 businesses in your range. Be sure to change to MILES….

6 Move your map into power point:
PrtScn Open Paint Ctrl V to Paste Crop it as you wish Ctrl C to copy Open power point Ctrl V to paste


8 Use the Hexagon shape to make your ranges



11 What will be graded… Power Point Report: You can use more than one slide for A, B, C, D, E… just label as A1, A2 as needed. To make a 100 you must… SAVE the ppt to Google Classroom as ‘your names + Services project 1617’ SLIDE A: > Names + Service + 11 Completed surveys turned in SLIDE B: Range Map & Legend > 10 businesses marked with hexagons + range hexagons are clear + map fills the page + Legend is clear + label boundary roads + mark your houses SLIDE C: Range graph with appropriate labels (bar graphs are great!) + Range analysis with all those good APHG terms used appropriately. SLIDE D: Thresholds report > analysis report from 10 customer survey results with all those good APHG terms used appropriately. SLIDE E: Photo of you & partner with the manager/owner + Analysis from interviewing business manager or owner. (Apply those Urban & Services terms like threshold, range, bid-rent, PLVI, etc…) EXTRAS: Must be added to the power point > + 2 for each that is done correctly, label these in your project. 1. Photo from inside the business you visit with a product, signage and your group in the photo – 2. Photo of a person completing the survey inside the business and at least one person from your group in the photo 3. Store signage of a similar business with at least one person from your group in the photo – show verification of where store is located.


13 -Go to Google Earth in the Zen window
START: -Go to Google Earth in the Zen window Open it, download it, verify it, whatever prompts it tells you…. Z E N

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