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DCR ARB Presentation Team 5: Tour Conductor.

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Presentation on theme: "DCR ARB Presentation Team 5: Tour Conductor."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCR ARB Presentation Team 5: Tour Conductor

2 OCD Android application for the tour takers to search for tours and navigate through the tour. Website where – Tour creator can create a tour by filling it with stops and its associated details. Tour creator can edit previously created tour. Tour creator can delete previously created tour. Database schema to store user details and tours created by a particular tour. Server in PHP to store tours in database and retrieve tours depending tour taker’s input in android application.

3 TRR Outline Transition Objectives and Strategy
Demo of the product status Support Plan Support Objectives Support Responsibility Support Environment Support Facilities Summary of Transition Plan Android and web end Preparation Operational testing, training and evaluation Stakeholder roles and responsibilities Required Resources Software Product Elements

4 Transition Objective Both the web end and the android project will be transitioned to the client. User manuals and training guides will be provided to the client and the product users for added support The product has been thoroughly tested and most if not all the bugs have been dealt with The APK of the android project and the web site will be made public as per the will of the client.

5 Transition Strategy Transition the system to the client by giving him the Github link and also providing the project to the client in zip files. Setup the local server for the client to host the PHP site and MySQL database. Train the critical stakeholders on how to use and maintain the system. Provide documentation on how to use the system

6 Demo Time!

7 Support Plan

8 Support Objectives Assist the client in case of issues regarding setting up and running of the system Provide support incase of system malfunction or incorrect behavior such as wrong data retrieval, NDI/COTS failure, connectivity issues Try to provide support for unknown bugs which may come up when product is used by a larger group of people

9 Support Responsibility
Website Maintainer Check all the crucial website features (create/edit/delete) Report the downtime of any NDI/COTS and web server. Android Maintainer Ensure the application is getting the location details properly and setting the routes properly Ensure the connection to the database is made.

10 Support Environment Requirements:
Computer with windows (7 or more) or mac OS (yosemite) Android phone for running the application with Android Ice cream sandwich or above. A modern browser which is able to run the web site with bootstrap3, scripts and API support. Google chrome, Firefox or Safari are tested. Xampp server with MySQL database to run PHP and on the same network as the android phone.

11 Support Facilities Android Application can be tested on emulators on the Android Studio 2.0. Website can be uploaded to localhost to test the PHP and database connectivity. i.e. there is no need to upload file to a web server to check the PHP page. The documents provide ample information regarding support.

12 Test Cases and Results Test Cases and Results:
TC-01: Search for tours using a search string: The system should connect to the server and retrieve a list of tours that match the search string and display it as a list to the user. Test TC-01: Passed successfully TC-02 Search for tours using current location: The system should connect to the server and retrieve a list of tours are within a user specified radius from the current location. TC-03 search by invalid search string: We check if the script does not break or throw any error if invalid search string is entered, i.e., returns an empty JSON object in those cases.

13 Test Cases and Results (cont.)
TC-04 Check Create Tour script success operation: In this test case the script receives the info data from front end, using this data insert into the database to successfully create the tour. Test TC-01: Passed successfully TC-05 Check for tour with no stop detail: Check the robustness for tour creation of the website. TC-06 Display Existing Tours: Make sure that the tour creator, once logged in, on the Tour conductor website, will be directed to a page displaying all existing tours he or she has created, along with their stops. Test TC-06: Passed successfully

14 Test Cases and Results (cont.)
TC 07: Edit Stops of Existing Tours: Make sure that the tour creator, once on the page displaying all existing tours he or she has created, along with their stops, can edit any information of any stop of any tour. Test TC-07: Passed successfully TC 08: Check account sign up with correct information: Create user account functionality via sign up form is tested using appropriate information. Test TC-08: Passed successfully TC 09: Check account sign up with missing information: Create user account functionality via sign up form is tested without some required information. Test TC-09: Passed successfully

15 Quality Focal Point

16 Technical Debt Solved technical debts Remaining technical debts
Tour taker can open android app and search for a tour Tour taker can select a tour from the search result and tour a neighbourhood Tour creator can login to the website and see his profile (previously created tours as of now) Tour creator can create a tour consisting of stops with associated details, edit a tour or delete a tour Remaining technical debts Tour taker can only navigate between two places at a time. Tour taker should be able to navigate from start of tour to end of tour.

17 Summary of transition Plan

18 Hardware, Software and Site preparation
Mobile device with Android OS. PC running as the server with all the software installed. Software Android OS (4.1.2) Android Studio XAMPP Site PC running as the server.

19 Operational testing, training and evaluation
Unit testing to ensure that android application and servers as individual units. Integrating testing to ensure android application and server communicate with each other. Acceptance testing to ensure that client needs are met.

20 Operational testing, training and evaluation
Hands-on training will be provided to the client and to the team which might pick up this project next semester. Team members will be available to answer any questions during this period. User manual will be provided during the training session and as part of the software delivery.

21 Operational testing, training and evaluation
Measurable goals Ease of UI navigation. Ease of interpretation of UI icons. Ease of software installations. Ease of understanding the source code.

22 Operational testing, training and evaluation
Note feedback by performing crowd testing for the UI in Android application and website Note feedback on UI in android application and website during training sessions Note new bugs discovered during crowd testing and training sessions.

23 Stakeholders roles and responsibilities
Responsibility Location Developer Prepare user manual Developer’s site Prepare system admin manual Maintain code repository Tour Creator (Peers) Provide feedback after simulating the steps for tour creation Tour Taker (Peers) Provide feedback after simulating the steps for taking a tour

24 Milestone Plan

25 Required Resources Required Resources
A server on a hosting domain with packages like PHP installed or a PC running as a localhost with XAMPP installed. An Android device with OS version installed.

26 Software Product Elements
Projects: Android

27 Software Product Elements
27 Projects: Website

28 Software Product Elements
Class Diagram

29 Software Product Elements
Documents For users User Manual Training Materials For future developers Inline code comments Git Hub repo

30 Any feedback?

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