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Years 6, 7 & 8 Revision Session

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Presentation on theme: "Years 6, 7 & 8 Revision Session"— Presentation transcript:

1 Years 6, 7 & 8 Revision Session

2 Why Now? You need to work out the best way for them to revise
Never too soon to start Even if you do not need to sit an entrance exam it is still a useful skill Practice makes perfect!!

3 Different types of learners
Auditory Visual Kinaesthetic

4 What’s revision all about?
Knowing your learning style and which technique to use when Preparing all the right pieces of equipment Frequent over learning Short sessions – little and often Make clear notes and/or mind maps Buddy learn Drink water

LECTURING 5 % READING % AUDIO-VISUAL 20% DEMONSTRATION 30 % DISCUSSION 50 % PRACTICE BY DOING 75% TEACHING OTHERS % Add inside to triangle Lecturing 5 Reading 10 Audio visual 20 Demonstration 30 Dicussion 50% Practise by doing 75% Teaching others 90%

6 Exams are not that far away! Before half term ......
Make a list of your topics Make sure you have a copy of the exam timetable when you come back Make sure you have all your books and files including any revision sheets and other aids

7 Don’t leave it until the Friday of half term.
If you don’t have Ask Teachers won’t bite! Don’t leave it until the Friday of half term. Better to be safe than sorry

8 Before you begin Plan your revision timetable Little and often
Stationary – pens, paper, card, treasury tags Water Food

9 Different ways to revise
Mind maps Linear notes Buddy learning Cards Talking Recording Pelmanisms And any others that work for YOU!!!!

10 Answering exam questions
HISTORY & RS Draw Cartoons Linear Notes Buddy Learning Flash Cards Answering exam questions Mind Maps How do learn the seven days of creation? Mr Hoare will tell you which choices for the source question so don’t write that for the essay RS revision book – Galore Park RS – prediction

TO BE ARTISTIC USE COLOUR USE PICTURES SEQUENCING OF IDEAS PLANNED MIND MAPS Can we make these appear one by one? Mind map v brain storm Look at different History mind maps. Do a brain storm of a history essay Mention linear notes Model essays always useful but don’t learn them off by heart

12 Brainstorming You need to practise brainstorming essay questions

13 .Choose a war which you have studied and explain its most important causes


15 Science Use cards Silly sentences Rhythms and rhymes Mnemonics
Buddy learning Triangles Mind maps




19 Reactivity series Please Stop Calling My Awesome Zebra In Latin Class
Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Zinc Iron Lead Copper

20 Maths Practise, practise, practise! Use Mr Borrows revision cards
ISEB book of practise questions

21 Times tables Pelmanisms Numbershark 2 x 5 10

22 French VOCABULARY – use colour and pictures; tape recordings and pelmanism; to learn m and f try putting words in ‘boy’ and ‘girl’ type pictures! PRESENTATIONS – cartoon strips using pictures and colour; acting out LETTER WRITING – pre- planning really helpful

23 Geography MAP LEARNING – LOTS of ‘over learning’, use blanks and add pictures; acronyms ANYTHING that helps you to remember Topics – mind maps can help and so can making simple notes and talking them through with someone else. CASE studies!

24 English EXAM TECHNIQUE – how to score most points
Check your proof reading skills Plan your writing!!!!!!

25 DOSPAM D – descriptive O – onomatopoeia S – simile P – personification A – alliteration M - metaphor

26 Finally Start early Plan and work in short bursts
Buddy learn -90% - anywhere any time The quirkier the better

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