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Underground Storage Tanks New Federal 2015 Requirements

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1 Underground Storage Tanks New Federal 2015 Requirements
Nathan Weiss Becky Costigan PST and Dry Cleaner Registration Team Leader Small Business and Local Government Assistance

2 Agenda Operator Training Update UST Regulations Overview
State Program Approval (SPA) 2015 Federal Rule Changes Rule Making Process

3 A/B Operator Training 6 courses have been approved and can be found on TCEQ’s website Initial training deadline was 8/8/12 in Texas TCEQ tracks operator training compliance About 75% compliance rate last year After Bullet # 1 - I brought a few copies of the training providers. If you’d like one, please see me later. Track operator training compliance through self-certification renewal

4 A/B Operator Training Training lasts for three years, so….lots of facilities changed to non-compliant in summer of 2015 Contacted large owners via and phone and the compliance rate increased After Bullet # 1 - Last summer, compliance rate dropped to 25%

5 A/B Operator Training Registration is mailing letters to owners/operators who do not show to be in compliance Best way to update information is to submit a Registration & Self-Certification form AND a current A/B Operator Training certificate Many owners/operators have already renewed their A/B Operator Training Certificate, but some have called and said they took the class back in 2012 and want to know what the problem is.

6 UST Rules Overview Overview & Timeline
1988: EPA adopts initial rules requiring Leak detection Spill/overfill prevention Cathodic protection 11/18/11: Draft Released for Comment 4/19/12: Comment Period Closed after Extension 4/12-9/14: Comments Considered, Final Regulations Drafted 4/30/15: OMB Interagency Review Completed June 2015: Publish to Federal Register I deleted the original requirements in may want to add date for state rules being submitted to EPA for SPA.

7 State Program Approval
Texas has State Program Approval (SPA) along with 38 other states 3 years to approve new regulations Deadline is 10/13/2018 Owners and operators must continue to follow state requirements 40 CFR 281

8 Federal Rule Changes: Operator Training
Owners and operators must designate an A, B, and C operator for each facility Retraining may be required for significant noncompliance Keep list of operators available Texas – required since 2012 Texas has required operator training since August 8th, The operator training rule became effective March 2011. Operator training must renewed every 3 years. Operator training certificates should be submitted with the annual registration/self certification form

9 Federal Rule Changes: Secondary Containment
Required for new and replaced USTs Required if replacing more than 50% of the piping or system Texas - 35% Under dispenser containment systems (UDC) *UDC is required if moving the dispenser or replacing the entire dispenser. UDC required in Texas since

10 Federal Rule Changes: Operation and Maintenance
Walk through inspections Every 30 days Spill and overfill equipment Release detection equipment (Texas – 60 day sump inspection, 60 day spill bucket inspection) AND Inspected annually Containment sumps Hand held release detection 30 TAC (d) Texas: If used for release detection: Inspect Sumps, spill buckets, and UDCs visually once a year. Check for liquid and debris; check for damage, leaks, or releases

11 Federal Rule Changes: Operation and Maintenance
Liquid tightness test for spill bucket Every 3 years OR Double walled spill bucket Periodic interstitial monitoring Section IV B.2 This is not currently in Texas rules

12 Federal Rule Changes: Operation and Maintenance
Overfill inspections Inspect every 3 years Must be set at the appropriate height And activate when the regulated substance reaches that height Remove drop tubes to verify the valve is operations. Verify that the float will activate the alarm.

13 Federal Rule Changes: Flow Restrictors
No more flow restrictors in vent lines when overfill prevention is installed or replaced Overpressurized and ineffective/dangerous Only need to replace ball floats if they are defective. Fed rules require no new ball float valves

14 Federal Rule Changes: Operation and Maintenance
Containment sumps used with piping interstitial monitoring Tested every 3 years OR Double walled containment sumps Periodic interstitial monitoring Section IV B.4

15 Federal Rule Changes: Operation and Maintenance
Release Detection Components Test annually Includes: ATGs Line leak detectors Probes Hand-held electronic sampling equipment Last Bullet: associated with GW & Vapor monitoring

16 Federal Rule Changes: Deferrals
Emergency Generators must conduct release detection Texas has required this since 1989 New subpart K with partial exclusion Field-constructed tanks Airport hydrant systems Waste water tanks Required to comply after October 2015. Emergency: Emergency generator tank systems installed on or before April 11, 2016, except for emergency generator tank systems with safe suction piping, when 50% or more of a single-walled piping run is removed, and other piping is installed, the entire piping run must be upgraded to double-walled pipe with interstitial monitoring. (Texas 35%) Emergency generator tank systems installed after April 11, 2016, must be secondarily contained and meet release detection requirements by using interstitial monitoring (Texas since 2009) No longer deferred; need to meet release detection and release reporting requirements (Texas already regulates Emergency tanks) Airport hydrant fuel distribution systems must meet federal release reporting requirements, release detection requirements, must submit a one-time notification of existence to the implementing agency at which time financial responsibility must be demonstrated. Walkthrough inspections of airport hydrant fuels distribution systems must include inspection of hydrant pits for visual damage, leaks, and liquid or debris to be removed. In addition, hydrant piping vaults must be inspected for leaking pipes. Field Constructed tanks: Piping associated with field-constructed tanks less than or equal to 50,000 gallons must meet the secondary containment requirements when it becomes necessary to replace the existing piping. Must meet release reporting requirements, release detection requirements. Texas rules have treated wastewater treatment tanks this way since 1989

17 Federal Rule Changes: Internal Lining
No more internal lining as sole method for corrosion protection This will not be an issue in Texas as we didn’t allow it in the 1989 UST rules.

18 Federal Rule Changes: Notification
Notify EPA: Change of ownership One time notification for: Field constructed tanks Airport hydrant tanks Notify EPA or TCEQ or both? Texas required notification of ownership changes in 1989

19 Federal Rule Changes: Compatibility
Notify 30 days prior to changing regulated substance if: Greater than 10% ethanol Greater than 20% biodiesel Must demonstrate tank compatibility: Accredited Lab testing Equipment manufacturer Keep records Notify EPA or TCEQ or both? Keep records during the entire time the tank has this type of regulated substance

20 Federal Rule Changes: Repairs
Test within 30 days of repairs to: spill and overfill secondary containment Notify EPA or TCEQ or both? A repair includes actions taken to restore equipment that has caused a release or is not operating properly

21 Federal Rule Changes: Vapor and Groundwater Monitoring
Allows continued use of Vapor and Groundwater monitoring Maintain site assessment Notify EPA or TCEQ or both?

22 Federal Rule Changes: Release Reporting
Interstitial alarms Secondary containment testing for tanks and piping for release investigation and confirmation Notify EPA or TCEQ or both? Closure is an option if system test confirms a leak Transitioning to Rulemaking process

23 Texas UST Rulemaking Process
TCEQ Rulemaking Process Public Participation

24 Texas UST Rulemaking Process
Proposed Draft Staff proposes to open rule chapter and begins drafting rules Stakeholder Meeting Agency may schedule an initial stakeholder meeting to request input Rules not proposed yet, but can discuss federal rule changes and stakeholder concerns Draft Review Agency proposes draft rules for review Proposed Draft – Staff proposes to open rule chapter and begins drafting rules. Stakeholder meeting – Agency may schedule an initial stakeholder meeting to request input and rules not yet proposed but can discuss federal rule changes and stakeholder concerns. Draft Review – Agency proposes draft rules for review.

25 Texas UST Rulemaking Process
Comment Period Comment period to receive official input from stakeholders and public Final Rule Proposed Final rule language proposed Commission Adoption Commission adopts final rules Proposed Draft: After proposal, comment period begins to receive official input from stakeholders and public Agency typically holds a public hearing to request comments Agency staff cannot answer questions or comment during hearing, but can informally answer questions before and after hearing Comments: Staff will review comments and may make changes based on comments received during comment period Commission adopts final rule; Federal requirements must be considered Comment period allows the public to give official input on rules. TCEQ considers comments when drafting the final rule language. That rule is this proposed for adoption at the Commission agenda.

26 Texas UST Rulemaking Process
TCEQ encourages participation in the rules process Provide input when rules are open for comments Stakeholder meeting will be scheduled Deadline for final UST rules October 2018 See handout (GI-418)

27 Questions? Nathan Weiss Becky Costigan
PST and Dry Cleaner Registration Team Leader Small Business and Local Government Assistance

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