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Presentation by: William Bird & Carol Netshifhefhe 22 September 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by: William Bird & Carol Netshifhefhe 22 September 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by: William Bird & Carol Netshifhefhe 22 September 2011

2 ABOUT MMA Formerly the Media Monitoring Project Vision:
A responsible media that enables an informed and engaged citizenry in Africa and across the world. Promoting Human Rights and Democracy through the media since 1993 2

3 MORE ABOUT MMA Human rights NGO monitoring the media since 1993 – celebrating 18 years; Conducted over 120 media monitoring projects: Race (SAHRC, CSVR), Elections; Gender (GMBS, GMMP); Children (ECM); HIV (WITS, MAP), and more! 3

4 MMA & SUBMISSIONS Impact media policy, submissions: IBA and ICASA
Broadcasters Code of Conduct; SABC Licence Conditions; Elections report; Disability code of conduct, and more! Individual media, SABC Editorial Policies; Press Council Review; Parliamentary Committees; Broadcasting Bills; Advertising & Transformation Hearings; 4

5 MMA Bias and Assumptions
MMA work has Human Rights Bias; LOVE our Constitution; Print media and Government intend to do good; Public and citizen participation essential for democracy; Delighted to be taking place in MEDIA FREEDOM WEEK!! Debate on Hate Speech Ruling 5

6 PROCESS Concerns: Very short notice of the indaba; Exclusive invitations; Lack of consultation; Conspiracy theories: encourages view that parliament is out to limit media freedom; Flies in face of recent considered, consultative approach by Department of Communication, Portfolio Committee on Communication on SABC AND EVEN ICASA has announced comprehensive review.

7 PROCESS Accordingly: Quality consultation:
This is the beginning of far more engaged series of debates, discussions and consultations on key issues; CRUCIAL to the success of the process is the importance of QUALITY consultation Quality consultation: Not rushed; Full, meaningful, comprehensive engagement with ALL key stakeholders and ordinary citizens over a reasonable period of time; Promotes entrenchment and realisation of the rights in our constitution; And in line with principles of open and accountable governance

8 TRANSFORMATION Significant change and transformation in our media sector as a whole in terms of: Ownership; Diversity; Content

9 TRANSFORMATION Is it the best in the world?
Maybe not Could our media be better? Yes – as could we all My country my media a personal impact Seeing people like me: in stories and practitioners Transformation is an ongoing journey USA celebrated 227 of their Constitution – South Africa less than a 10th – but look how far we have come But we must keep going…

10 TRANSFORMATION Crucial to the process is; We have to want to change:
Desire for change and improvement; Ongoing pressure from civil society – on all of us to do better; Positive Incentive for change

11 TRANSFORMATION Are the factors for change present?
YES, Pressure and incentive from civil society; MMA in its 18 years experience has seen significant positive shifts in coverage on: Gender and gender based violence; Race, racism and xenophobia; Children and Elections From what I know ALL of these were unimaginable less than 20 years ago Seen new papers emerging! Targeting new audiences – Daily Sun and Daily Voice; Small commercial African language media: Isolezwe, Sunday Times IsiZulu edition; Efforts from Government and MDDA in supporting small media ???

12 WAY FORWARD We look forward to participating in a comprehensive process focused on these issues and more; MMA will provide research, detailed input and assistance going forward should we be invited; Thank you; Please support media freedom week Get onto twitter if you cannot be there follow #FreeMediaZA

13 Way forward

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