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LEED - Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design

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1 LEED - Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design
A Presentation on LEED - Leadership In Energy and Environmental Design By: Venkata Punati Yamil Kury Jose Luis Vasquez Jose cardoso Aczel Largaespada

2 LEED: Green Building Rating System
A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the world’s greenest buildings Developed by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 1994. LEED is a brand and Known for its credibility and integrity LEED is a flexible, yet consistent rating system LEED operates on sound business principles and practices

3 Why was LEED created? - Facilitate positive results for the environment, occupant health and financial returns - Define “green” by providing a standard for measurement - Prevent “green-washing” (false or exaggerated claims) - Promote Whole-building, integrated design process

4 Why was LEED created? - Use a design guideline - Recognize leaders - Stimulate green competition - Establish market value with recognizable national “brand” -Raise consumer awareness Transform the market place

5 Mission of LEED LEED encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted standards, tools and performance criteria.

6 LEED credits system Performance Category Credits/Points
Sustainable Sites 8 credits / 14 points Water Efficiency 3 credits / 5 points Energy & Atmosphere 6 credits / 17 points Materials & Resources 7 credits / 13 points Indoor Environmental Quality 8 credits / 15 points Innovation & Design Process 2 credits / 5 points

7 LEED: Is the most extensive, authoritative and well recognized certification standard that distinguishes green buildings by design, construction and operation from the rest of the market Is a design guideline to move building construction and operation toward sustainability Is an integrated green building design training program to encourage best practice and provide support to the entire real estate industry Is a professional accreditation system to distinguish and recognize individual professionals for their expertise in the design, construction and operation of green buildings and achievement of LEED certification

8 What is “Green” Design? Design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants in five broad areas: Energy efficiency and renewable energy Safeguarding water and water efficiency Conservation of materials and resources Indoor environmental quality Sustainable site planning

9 Environmental Impact of Buildings*
65.2% of total U.S. electricity consumption > 36% of total U.S. primary energy use 30% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 136 million tons of construction and demolition waste in the U.S. (approx. 2.8 lbs/person/day) 12% of potable water in the U.S. 40% (3 billion tons annually) of raw materials use globally * Commercial and residential

10 Benefits of Green Building
Environmental benefits Reduce the impacts of natural resource consumption Economic benefits Improve the bottom line Health and safety benefits Enhance occupant comfort and health Community benefits Minimize strain on local infrastructures and improve quality of life

11 $$ Economic Benefits $$
Competitive first costs $ Integrated design allows high benefit at low cost by achieving synergies between disciplines and between technologies Reduce operating costs $ Lower utility costs significantly Optimize life-cycle economic performance

12 $$ Economic Benefits $$
Increase building valuation and ROI $ Using the income-capitalization method: asset value = net operating income (NOI) divided by the capitalization rate (return). If the cap rate is 7%, divide the reduction in annual operating costs by 7% to calculate the increase in the building’s asset value $ Quantify financial benefit in terms of Return On Investment (ROI) instead of payback time Decrease vacancy, improve retention $ Marketing advantages Reduce liability $ Improve risk management

13 Pay-backs of green buildings
Built-in Area (Sqft) Rating Achieved % increase in cost Payback (Yrs) CII-Godrej GBC 20,000 Platinum (56 points) 20% 7 years ITC Green Centre, Gurgaon 1,70,000 (52 points) 15% 6 years Wipro, Gurgaon 1,75,000 (57 points) 8% 5 years Grundfos Pumps, Chennai 40,000 Gold (42 Points) 6% 3 years

14 Productivity Benefits
Improve occupant performance Estimated $29 –168 billion in national productivity losses per year Student performance is better in daylit schools Reduce absenteeism and turnover Providing a healthy workplace improves employee satisfaction Increase retail sales with daylighting Studies have shown ~40% improvement

15 LEED stands alone as the pre-eminent green building rating system in the United States (Statistics):
$7 billion: The annual market for green building in products and services 867 million: Square feet of commercial building space registered or certified under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System developed and administered by the U.S. Green Building Council 44,558: Professionals trained through LEED workshops 35,575: LEED Accredited Professionals 8,033: USGBC member organizations, including corporations, governmental agencies, and nonprofits 765: Total commercial LEED certified projects 5,562: Total commercial LEED registered projects

16 LEED stands alone as the pre-eminent green building rating system in the United States (Statistics):
4,339: Building projects are LEED for New Construction registered and an additional 590 building projects have completed LEED-NC certification 542: Building projects have registered with LEED for Commercial Interiors and an additional 105 have completed certification 262: Building projects have registered with LEED for Existing Buildings and an additional 42 have completed certification 419: Building projects have registered with LEED for Core and Shell and an additional 28 have completed certification 4,300: Residential projects have registered with LEED for Homes and an additional 98 have completed certification 46: Percent of LEED projects owned by federal, state and local governments

17 LEED Products LEED covers many different types of buildings and construction. These are covered under the following LEED products: LEED-NC: LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations/Additions LEED-EB: LEED for Existing Buildings LEED-CI: LEED for Commercial Interiors LEED-CS: LEED for Core and Shell (public release: 2005) LEED-H: LEED for Homes (public release: 2006)

18 Specific LEED Programs
New Construction and Mayor renovation Projects Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance Commercial Interiors Projects Core and Shell Developments

19 New Commercial Construction and Renovation Projects
Designed to guide commercial and institutional projects, with a focus on office buildings K-12 schools, multi-unit residential buildings, manufacturing plants, laboratories LEED-NC version 2.2 rating system CHP is require for new constructions!

20 LEED-NC Rating system Sustainable Site
Prerequisite: Erosion & Sedimentation Control (EPA) Document No. EPA 832/R (September 1992) reduce site disturbance, stormwater management, heat island effect Water Efficiency Landscaping, wastewater, water use reduction Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisites: Fundamental Building System commissioning, Minimum energy performance, HVAC&R equipment Renewable energy, Ozone depletion, Green power, Material and resources Prerequisite: Storage and Collection of Recyclables Construction waste management, rapidly renewable materials Indoor Environmental Quality Prerequisites: Minimum IAQ Performance, Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control CO2 Monitoring, Daylight and view, Low-emitting materials Innovation & Design Process LEED accredited Professional

21 LEED Existing Buildings
Is a a tool for the ongoing operations and maintenance of an existing building does not require any major upgrades, but instead promotes using performance records, testing and analysis and tracking resource use It is to ensure that the building is meeting potential

22 LEED-EB Rating System whole-building cleaning and maintenance issues including chemical use ongoing indoor air quality energy efficiency water efficiency recycling programs and facilities exterior maintenance programs, and systems upgrades to meet green building energy, water, IAQ, and lighting performance standards National Geographic Building Washington DC LEED-EB Silver Pilot Program $5.5 million HVAC system improvements

23 LEED commercial Interior
Addresses the specifics of tenant spaces primarily in office, retail and institutional buildings Convenient because It provides market exposure thru USGBC website Boulder Associates Inc. Boulder CO LEED-CI Gold October 6, 2005

24 Sustainable Site (stormwater treat. Systems to reduce TSS and TP)
LEED-CI Version 2.0 Sustainable Site (stormwater treat. Systems to reduce TSS and TP) Water Efficiency (composting toilets, no-water urinals) Energy and Atmosphere (HVAC systems, light control devices, solar panels) Materials and Resources (recyclables, certify wood environmental responsible forest management) Environ. Quality (IAQ 10 CFM pp, ETS 25ft away, Daylight factor of 2%) Innovation & Design (acoustic performance, education of occupants, lifecycle analysis)

25 LEED for Core And Shell Development
Designers, builders, developers and new building owners who address sustainable design for new core and shell construction It acknowledges the limited sphere of influence over which a developer can exert control in a speculatively developed building and encourages the implementation of green design and construction practices in areas where the developer has control. $2,500 Pre-certification with application (version 2.0)

26 Pre-certification steps
Registration, name, size, occupants, estimate completion time LEED-CS Version 2.0 Brief description on how the team project will complied with LEED-CS Drawings, diagrams, plan& elevations Complete check list with total score of the project

27 LEED FOR HOMES Is a voluntary rating system
that promotes the design and construction of  high performance "green" homes. Characteristics: Uses less energy, water and natural resources Creates less waste Is healthier and more comfortable for its occupants. Benefits: Lower energy and water bills. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Less exposure to mold, mildew and other indoor toxins. The net cost of owning a LEED home is comparable to that of owning a conventional home.

28 LEED for neighborhood Development
The LEED for Neighborhood Development Rating System integrates the principles of smart growth, urbanism, and green building into the first national standard for neighborhood design. LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a development's location and design meet accepted high standards for environmentally responsible, sustainable, development. LEED for Neighborhood Development is collaboration between the U.S. Green Building Council, the Congress for the New Urbanism, and the Natural Resources Defense Council

29 Green Neighborhood The Verdant consists of 56 townhouses, 4 apartments and a daycare. Developed by Vancity Enterprises for Simon Fraser University staff and faculty, the project is located within the award-winning UniverCity neighborhood. The project is aiming for LEED® Gold. Some of the sustainable features include: Geothermal in-floor radiant heating On-site storm water management Dual-flush toilets & low-flow fixtures Low VOC-emitting materials Recycled wood flooring Community transit pass Units being sold at 20% below market value Energy performance 60% better than code

30 LEED for Multiples Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects
Provide direction in applying LEED-NC to projects in a campus or multi-building setting, such as corporate campuses, college campuses, and government installations (i.e. a single owner or common property management and control). It is intended for projects where: several buildings are constructed at once or in phases. a single building is constructed in a setting of existing buildings with common ownership or planning with the ability to share amenities or common design features.

31 LEED for Schools The LEED for Schools Rating System recognizes the unique nature of the design and construction of K-12 schools. Based on LEED for New Construction, it addresses issues such as: classroom acoustics master planning mold prevention environmental site assessment LEED for Schools is the recognized third-party standard for high performance schools that are healthy for students, comfortable for teachers, and cost-effective. Students will learn better, teachers will be more satisfied, and schools will run more efficiently.

32 Wrightsville Elementary School
State of the art LEED Certified "Silver Level" Green building Energy Efficiency Standard by over 20% Recycled materials and locally manufactured products were used Natural day lighting is accomplished through 2-story glass aluminum curtain walls

33 LEED Certification Process
Eligibility Registration Credit Interpretations Certification & Documentation Application Documentation Submittal LEED Certification Expedited Review Policy Submitting v2.2 credit paths and templates for v credits. (updated 12/19/2006) LEED Technical Reviews Certification Award Appeals Platinum Rebates Fee Summary

34 LEED-NC Point Distribution
Five LEED credit categories

35 Four levels of LEED-NC certification:
Certified Level points Silver Level points Gold Level points Platinum Level 52+ points (69 possible)

36 LEED Certification Benefits
Recognition of Quality Buildings and Environmental Stewardship Third party validation of achievement Qualify for growing array of state and local government incentives Contribute to growing knowledge base LEED certification plaque to mount on building Official certificate Receive marketing exposure through USGBC Web site, case studies, media announcements

37 Benefits of LEED Professional Accreditation
Individual Benefits: Provides a marketable credential to an employer, prospective employer or client. Listing on USGBC Web site directory of LEED Accredited Professionals. LEED Accredited Professional Certificate Earn a project one point towards LEED Certification Receive recognition for involvement in the LEED certification process and earn a project one point towards LEED Certification. Employer Benefits: Become eligible for projects and owners mandating the participation of a LEED Accredited Professional. Strengthens qualifications when responding to RFPs requiring LEED Accredited Professionals. Encourages the growth and updating of knowledge and understanding of the LEED certification process. Industry Benefits: Encourages and promotes a higher understanding of LEED and supports USGBC’s mission of transforming the built environment.

38 Opportunities Product opportunities:
Energy efficient chillers and air conditioning-systems High performance glass and energy efficient windows Certified wood Composting toilets High albedo roofing material Building integrated photovoltaics Insulating panels Green floor coverings, especially carpet Water saving solutions Service opportunities: Architectural and green design services Energy modelling systems and tools LEED-accredited professional services Building management systems

39 Some LEED Certified Green Buildings
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Kandalama, SriLanka CII-Godrej GBC, Hyderabad, India Fukuoka, Japan Hartley Nature Center, Montana

40 References

41 This is the end of our presentation. Do you have any questions?

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