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Imperialists Essential Info.

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1 Imperialists Essential Info

2 US Expansion Economic market imperialism Not isolationism anymore
Not neutral anymore. We tried to influence for the good of the world –Wilson Not successful at containing Japan The Japanese resented discrimination in Calif schools not owning land and our limiting them in Russo Japanese war in China

3 Examples of Economic Imperialism
Panama Canal Puerto Rico Phillipines Hawaii

4 Yellow Journalism Factor in declaring war on Spain1898 Phillipines
Puerto Rico Cuba Spain never responsible for sinking Maine But newspapers beat the drums for war Newsies destroying papers when cost went from 5 to 6 cents

5 Moral Diplomacy of Wilson
Anti Imperialist League did not win much U S territorial expansion in Pacific and Caribbean - Virgin Islands American Samoa Yet we used force to enforce our will -even Wilson

6 Difference between Teller Amendment and Platt Amendment
Read the Platt in handout Platt took away the power to make foreign treaties from Cubans Teller just said no annexing Cuba

7 Difference Between Big Stick Diplomacy, Social Darwinism, Spheres of Influence and Imperialism
Imperialism aggressive form of nationalism where extractive practices or annexation can happen. Spheres of influence policy where strong countries control weaker Big stick diplomacy foreign policy relying on military Moral diplomacy Wm Jennings Bryant and Wilson foreign policy based on human rights, equality, honor and understanding Social darwinism – belief that in a competitive struggle only the fittest survive

8 Phillipines Lost 200,000 trying to get rid of Americans
Did not gain independence until after WWII Taft tried to undo the distrust created by Dewey in Manilla Phillipines and gave them local control and a legislature by 1907 Dewey put people in concentration camps with inadequate food just like the Spainards in Cuba

9 Panama Roosevelt sent troops to Panama because the Colombians would not sell land needed for a canal He did not want an independent Panama, he wanted to control it enough to keep the canal America’s private ditch pathway

10 Know Diplomacies Moral Diplomacy Big Stick Diplomacy Dollar Diplomacy
Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine Open Door Policy opposing spheres of influence

11 Which were annexed? Hawaii Puerto Rico protectorate Not Cuba
Phillipines protectorate bought and did not get independence until WWII

12 Spark for WWI Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his pregnant wife Sophie He was the heir to the Austrian throne Route choice sealed his fate Aggressive arms race in Europe – militarism Nationalism Imperialism vying for teritories and spheres of influence

13 Committee on Public Information
Built up propaganda for the war effort Food Administration rationed in WWII In WWI motivated farmers to produce more and decrease the use of some food types in US


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