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Different Types of Testing

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1 Different Types of Testing
Cyrill, Daniel, Musgrave, Dante

2 Testing - Different Ways and Phases
Functional testing tests individual commands, text input, menu functions, etc. confirms that they perform and function correctly according to design specifications. For example, if a choice is made to add a client, does the program go to the “add clients module”? Data testing is when normal, abnormal, and extreme data is put into the system.

3 Example of Testing Example: There is a program that accepts a student’s percentage in a math exam, and gives a “pass” message if the number entered is greater than or equal to 60 out of 100. Otherwise it will give a “fail” message. The program can be tested using following data: Normal data, such as 76, 65 “Data at the limits”, such as 0, 59, 60, 100 Extreme data (outside limits), such as -1999, 327, 666 Abnormal data (unexpected data), such as a string or character, not integer, and should usually not be entered. Examples are “two” (2 in letter form), “6 7” (accidental space), etc.

4 Alpha Testing Done before the software product is made to the general public Normally, carried out by the company that develops the software in a laboratory type environment Not by the end users in their usual workplaces

5 Beta Testing Includes comments and suggestions of the users
Users that are outside the company would be involved in the testing Their feedback is significant and used to fix errors or defects that were missed Also, the feedbacks would contribute to the preparation of support teams that will deal with expected issues In certain cases, the Beta version would be made available to the public This can provide vital real-world information and feedback

6 Dry-run testing Dry-run testing is testing all the individual system parts separately Conducted using pen and paper The programmer mentally runs the algorithm The programmer examines source code and decides on what the output of a run should be

7 Unit Testing Individual parts of the systems are tested separately

8 Unit Testing Individual parts of the systems are tested separately

9 Integration Testing The entire system is tested at the same time to verify that all components can work together

10 User Acceptance Testing
Used to determine if the system satisfies the customer needs In most cases, it is conducted in user premises before accepting transfer of ownership This is the last stage of the software testing process

11 Debugging A systematic process of finding and correcting the number of bugs in a computer program There are computer programs that can automatically test other programs, making the testing process cheaper and faster

12 Validation It is the process of evaluating whether data inputs follows appropriate specifications and is within reasonable limits.

13 Verification It is the process of ensuring that the data input is the same as the original source data, ways to ensure data verifications are through double entry and visual check.

14 Validation vs Verification
Validation is the confirmation that a computer product meets its design function or is appropriate for the intended use. Examples: Are we developing the correct system? Does the product meet customer needs? Verification is the confirmation that a computer product meets identified specifications. Examples: Are we developing the system correctly? Does the product comply with a specific regulation or condition?

15 Thank you!

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