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Welcome to 3R Curriculum Night 2017!

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1 Welcome to 3R Curriculum Night 2017!



4 Contacting Me 630-463-3530
During school hours, please be sure to send important messages through the office so they are sure to reach me before dismissal change in dismissal is checked frequently. I do my best to respond within 24 hours.

5 Basics of 3R I am for consistency and routine every day.
I work hard to incorporate frequent movement breaks and provide a variety of workspaces to meet each student’s movement needs. I expect a lot of awesome things to happen in 3R this year, mainly because I can see that your children have so many great qualities.

6 Communication @Miss_Rathunde

7 Remind

8 Classroom Behavior Expectations for behavior are high in 3R. The students are encouraged to make good decisions regarding how they will conduct themselves throughout the day and are taught to take accountability for their actions.

9 Classroom Economy Students will apply for classroom jobs, work at these jobs, and get paid weekly. Pay rent: desk, hook, and mailbox Tax: Library Students will find themselves earning extra cash by displaying positive classroom behaviors. Students will be invited to shop in our 3R Marketplace bi-weekly for rewards such as hat day, extra computer time, or a sit by a friend pass.

10 Classroom Economy Mistakes Happen!
On the other hand, when a student doesn’t meet a classroom expectation, they will be fined. Example: chose not to listen when another student was speaking or did not use their learning time effectively. If the same behavior keeps occurring, the student will fill out a Behavior Think Sheet

11 Routines and Procedures
Take Home Folders: go back and forth from school to home everyday. Please review the assignment sheet daily with your child to see what their homework may be. Papers on the “Bring Right Back” side (right pocket) are to be returned back to school the following day. Papers on the “Left at Home” side (left pocket) are yours to keep at home.

12 Reading Log Spelling Study Unfinished Work
Homework Reading Log Spelling Study Unfinished Work

13 Friday Fun We will take an extra recess with all the third grade classes on Friday for students who have completed and turned in their signed reading log. This teaches students responsibility and accountability.

14 W.A.S. Information NEW POLICIES & CURRICULUM! Any physical contact will be an immediate office referral. There will be a fine on any damaged library books Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Mystery Science curriculum

15 Book Orders Book orders will go home approximately every other month.
One check can be written for multiple orders. Please only send in checks (made out to Scholastic Book Clubs) or exact cash. I cannot make change or cash checks written to me.

16 Star Student Throughout the year, each student will be chosen to be our Star Student of the Week. They will answer questions about themselves and bring in special photos and items that represent them. Some ideas are collections, stuffed animals, trophies, uniforms etc. Also, that week our Star Student can have a “Special Reader” come in and read to the class. The “Special Reader” can be parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and even siblings can visit our classroom from 11:50-12:15 on Fridays. If this time does not work, we can arrange for a more convenient time, just let me know!

17 Snack A healthy snack is something that aids in the learning process!
Providing your child with a nut free snack will help everyone in our classroom stay safe and healthy. Students may also have a water bottle in the classroom during the day. The bottles should be the ones with a squirt nozzle. This will minimize damage from any accidental spills.

18 Opportunity to touch base regarding your student’s progress.
Fall Conferences Opportunity to touch base regarding your student’s progress. November 20th and 21st If you will be out of town, please sign up for a conference via HAC and we will conduct a phone conference at that time.

19 Words Their Way Designed to differentiate instruction.
Less emphasis placed on memorization and more emphasis on learning and the spelling pattern through word sorts. Spelling words and tests will be given on various days depending what sort your child is working on. We began practicing the sorts this week and will begin the program the following Monday. Games and activities can be found at or on my website under the “3R Student Resources” tab

20 Field Trips Sholes School!
On September 22nd we will be reenacting a typical school day in the late 1800’s at Sholes School, a one-room country school house, located in St. Charles, IL. We will be eating lunch at the school house and visiting the Durant-Peterson House. Please help your child choose an outfit similar to what would have been worn in the late 1800’s and pack their lunch in a typical 1800’s fashion (baskets, pails, etc…) Other field trips are in the works. We will share about these awesome learning opportunities as information is available.

21 Length of Day/Mystery City
This is a year-long project with a partner. In the fall, students will track the length of day of a specific city/country. In the spring students will have to apply their knowledge of what they have been learning in science, math, writing, reading, and social studies to discover their mystery location! Winter and summer solstice Elapsed time Researching and conducting presentations Determining importance Longitude and Latitude Reading a map


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