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2017 Question Predictions.

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1 2017 Question Predictions

2 International Relations:
The following topics have not come up in any exams yet so we think that they are more likely to appear this year: Expansion of Satellite States, Cominform, Comecon, Berlin Blockade, Cuban Revolution Cuban Missile Crisis, MAD, Détente, SALT 1, Brezhnev Doctrine, Afghanistan, Reagan SDI ‘star wars’, Evil Empire Speech, Relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev, INF Treaty, CFE Agreements, Fall of the USSR, We think the 16 mark question will be: 1. The beginning of the Cold War. 2. The Cuban Missile Crisis 3. End of the Cold War

3 Nazi Germany: The following topics have not come up in any exams yet so we think that they are more likely to appear this year: Armistice We think the 16 mark question will be: 1. Key Topic 2, Years of Unpopularity, slide 14 on revision notes. Question like: ‘The most important reason why the Nazis increased their support in the years 1923 – 1929 was Hitler’s re-organisation of the party.’ You may use in your answer: Re-organisation of the party Goebbel’s use of propaganda 2. Key topic 4, Employment or standard of living, slides 25 and 26 on revision notes. Questions like: ‘The most important reason why the Nazis improved the standard of living of the German people was because of re-armament.’ Re-armament The Strength through Joy movement

4 Britain paper We think that Key Topic 3 and Key Topic 4 are the most likely to come up.

Year Question type Topic 2016 1 – Give TWO ways in which… Hungary rebelled against Rakosi 2 – Outline TWO steps… Khrushchev ended Hungarian Uprising 3 - How useful are Sources _ and _ Gorbachev’s changing attitude 4 – Describe the key features of… Warsaw Pact, Prague Spring 5 – Explain the importance of… Potsdam, Marshall Plan, Carter Doctrine, Helsinki Agreements 6 – Explain why relations changed… Berlin – refugee problem, Berlin Wall 2015 Dubcek Prague Spring Reforms Brezhnev vs Dubcek NATO Germany and the Potsdam Conference, Bay of Pigs Truman Doctrine, Hungarian Uprising, Berlin Wall, End of Warsaw Pact = Carter Doctrine, Mikhail Gorbachev Topics that have NOT been on a paper: Cuban Missile Crisis, Berlin Blockade, Fall of the USSR, détente, SALT 1, Afghanistan, MAD, Expansion of Satellite States, Cominform, Comecon, Brezhnev Doctrine, INF Treaty, CFE Agreements, Reagan SDI ‘star wars’, Evil Empire Speech, Relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev, Cuban Revolution….

6 Year Question type Topic June 2016 NUWM 1 June 2015 Battle of Britain 2 June 2014 Beveridge report 4 June 2013 Rationing 3 Jan 2013 Unemployment/Means Testing June 2012 Dunkirk Jan 2012 Jarrow June 2011 General election 1945 Jan 2011 June 2010 D-Day Jan 2010 n/a Predictions: Topic 3 D-Day Topic 4 Election campaign

7 3a KT4 3b

8 2016 Topic 1a Employment practices 1b Censorship 1c Enabling Act 1d Increasing support 2a Jews 1935 – 38 2b Nazi party changed 3a German recovery rentenmark League of Nations 3b Opposed ToV: Military Reparations

9 2015 Topic 1a Development of Nazi party 1925 – 1928 1b Occupation of the Ruhr 1c Stresemann’s FP from 1924 – 29 1d Explain why the Nazis wanted to control education and youth movements in the years 1933–39. 2a Explain how culture and the arts changed in Germany in the years 1933–39. 2b Explain how Nazi policies towards the Churches in Germany changed in the years 1933–39. 3a Was the Munich Putsch the most threatening uprising faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1919–23? Munich Spartacist 3b Was the Great Depression the main reason why Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in January 1933? Depression SA

10 2014 Topic 1a Attitudes towards Jews 1b Nazi Party 1c Effects occupation of the Ruhr 1d Opposition ToV 2a Economy changed 2b Relations with foreign countries changed 3a Growth of influence of the Nazi Party 1923 – 33 Munich Reichstag Fire Depression Papen, Hindenburg etc 3b Nazi control of Germany by 1933 – 1939 Enabling Act Police state Ministry of Propaganda Education

11 January 2013 Topic 1a Germany after WW1 1b Describe the weaknesses of the Weimar Constitution. 1c Explain the effects of the Dawes Plan (1924) on Germany 1d Explain why the German economy faced problems in the years 1919–23 2a Explain how the Nazi Party changed in the years 1924–28. 2b Explain how Hitler dealt with opposition to his rule in the years 1933–34. 3a Was rearmament the policy which had the greatest impact on German economic problems in the years 1933–39? Rearmament t National Labour Service t German Labour Front t Beauty of Labour and Strength Through Joy 3b Was the impact of Nazi policies in the years 1933–39 greatest on education? Impact on education t Impact on the Jews t Impact on women t Impact on the Arts

12 June 2012 Topic 1a Weimar Republic 1b Territory ToV 1c Effects Munich 1d Hitler became Chancellor 2a Weimar dealt with political challenges 2b Naiz government dealt with effects of the Depression 3a Stresemann dealt with problems Hyperinflation Occupation of Ruhru Relations with foreign countries Young Plan 3b Censorhip to deal with opposition Censorship Knight of the Long Knives Churches Gestapo

13 Jan 2012 Topic 1a What can you learn from Source A about Nazi policies towards young people in Germany? 1b Describe the key features of Stresemann’s successes abroad in the years 1924–28 1c Explain the effects of the Nazi policies towards the Jews in the years 1933–38. 1d Explain why Hitler acted against the Sturmabteilung (SA) on the Night of the Long Knives (30 June 1934). 2a Explain how the Nazis used propaganda to win support in Germany in the years 1933–39. 2b Explain how the German economy changed in the years 1928–32. 3a Was the Treaty of Versailles the most serious problem faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1919–23? x The Treaty of Versailles x Hyperinflation x Attacks on the government x The weaknesses of the Constitution 3b How successful was the Nazi Government in dealing with the economic problems it faced in the years 1933–39? Changes in the standard of living x Rearmament x Controlling the workforce x Public works

14 June 2011 Topic 1a What can you learn from Source A about the position of the Jews in Nazi Germany? 1b Describe the key features of the Weimar Constitution. 1c Explain the effects in 1923 of the French occupation of the Ruhr. 1d Explain why the Treaty of Versailles created difficulties for the German government in the years 1919–20. 2a Explain how Hitler dealt with the Catholic and Protestant churches in Germany in the years 1933–39. 2b Explain how the standard of living for people in Germany changed in the years 1933–39. 3a Was agreeing the Dawes Plan the most important action taken by Stresemann in bringing stability to Germany in the years 1924–29? x Agreeing the Dawes Plan x Introducing the Rentenmark x Signing the Locarno and Kellogg-Briand Pacts x Agreeing the Young Plan OR *3 3b Was the use of propaganda the main reason why support for the Nazi Party grew in the years 1929–32? x The use of propaganda x The effects of the Wall Street Crash x Nazi opposition to Communism x Activities of the Sturmabteilung (SA) (Total


16 Jan 2011 Topic 1a What can you learn from Source A about the power of the Nazis in Germany? 1b Describe the economic policies of Gustav Stresemann in the years 1924–29. 1c Explain the effects of the Enabling Act (1933) in Germany 1d Explain why Germany was difficult to govern in the years 1919–22. 2a Explain how the Nuremberg Laws changed the lives of Jews in Germany in the years 1935–39. 2b Explain how Hitler used the Reichstag Fire to weaken opposition to the Nazis 3a Was hyperinflation the main reason why the Weimar Republic found it difficult to govern Germany after 1922? x Hyperinflation x The French occupation of the Ruhr x The growth of the Nazi Party x The impact of the Great Depression OR * 3b Was rearmament the most important reason why people supported the Nazi Party in the years 1933–39? x Rearmament x Censorship and propaganda x Tackling unemployment x Youth movements

17 June 2010 Topic 1a What can you learn from Source A about the treatment of women in Nazi Germany? 1b Describe the policies of the Nazi government towards the young in the years 1933–39. 1c Explain the effects of Stresemann’s economic policies in the years 1924–29. 1d Explain why the German people disliked the Treaty of Versailles. 2a Explain how Hitler was able to overcome opposition to his government in the years 1933–34. 2b Explain how the position of Jews in Germany changed in the years 1933–39. 3a Was the growth of unemployment after 1929 the main reason why the Nazi party was able to take power in Germany in 1933? The growth of unemployment after 1929 • Fear of Communism • Nazi use of propaganda • The role of the SA 3b Was the Spartacist uprising the most important problem faced by the Weimar Republic in the years 1919–24? • The Spartacist uprising • Weaknesses in the Constitution • The Munich Putsch • The French occupation of the Ruhr

18 Jan 2010 Topic 1a What can you learn from Source A about Nazi attitudes towards the Churches in Germany? 1b Describe the measures taken in the Treaty of Versailles to limit German power. 1c Explain the effects of the Reichstag Fire in 1933. 1d Explain why Hitler carried out a policy of persecution of the Jews and other minority groups in the years 1933–39. 2a Explain how Germany recovered from its economic and political difficulties in the years 1924–29 under Stresemann’s leadership 2b Explain how the position of young people changed in Germany in the years 1933–39. 3a Was the effect of reparations the main reason why the Weimar Republic found it difficult to govern Germany in the years 1919–24? • The effect of reparations • Attacks on the government by Left and Right wing political parties • The French Occupation of the Ruhr • The weaknesses in the Constitution 3b Was the creation of a police state the most important effect of Nazi rule on the German people in the years 1933–39? • The creation of a police state • Reduction in unemployment • The changing role of women • The use of propaganda

19 Year Question type Topic 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

20 Year Question type Topic 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

21 Year Question type Topic 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

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