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Telling Your Technology Story MWRC11

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Presentation on theme: "Telling Your Technology Story MWRC11"— Presentation transcript:

1 Telling Your Technology Story MWRC11
Jim Kulich VP & CIO, Elmhurst College "Copyright [your name] [year]. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author."

2 Web 2.0: Everyone is a storyteller.

3 Our students are digitally native storytellers.

4 You are a storyteller.

5 Experiences

6 Who, What, Why, and How

7 Who & Why? What & How?

8 A framework for creating experiences that add value

9 And a few useful practical examples

10 I want to A to do B.

11 How do I want A to feel about my message
How do I want A to feel about my message? How might A want to feel about my message?

12 Noticed Appreciated Respected Confident Motivated

13 Campus Technology Update March 3, 2011   Thanks to many of you, our efforts to more fully use various technologies to enhance our learning and working environment continue. I will briefly cover a few highlights of what’s happening and what’s coming in this update…

14 What really matters to A?

15 IT Management Truisms (as compiled by Rick DeVries @ Calvin College)

16 1. If it’s not easy users will not do it
1. If it’s not easy users will not do it. (Or, users follow the easiest path to their own end.)

17 5. Standards matter to us. Flexibility matters to them.

18 18. Most users don’t care what OS they have…they don’t even care what applications they have. They do care about getting their work done.

19 A Story: Board of Trustees

20 Interesting Student Experiences
Capital Projects Finances Interesting Student Experiences Personnel Issues

21 Elmhurst College student video
  Elmhurst College student video

22 “Digital storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights” (Leslie Rule, 2009).  

23 What really matters to faculty?

24 The Elmhurst Experience (as presented by Professor V. Gopal)

25 Why Research?

26 Why Teach?

27 passion of chosen field
Convey excitement and passion of chosen field Love of learning Pass on knowledge Inquiry based ... Inspire Train next generation of ...

28 Why? Send out into the world, passionate, creative,
socially aware, concerned, inspiring, leaders, poets, scientists .....

29 Creative Autonomy

30 ... and when was the last time you were in a classroom?

31 ... and when was the last time you were in a research lab?

32 The pursuit of science is at its best when it is part of a way of life

33 At its best, research is the creation of knowledge, and this is the essence of education

34 Some Words I Hate! Content Delivery Service Provider
A blind application of the market model is inappropriate and harmful to education

35 Some Missing Words Lunch Look Walk

36 Citizens of their Disciplines
Independent Thinkers Citizens of their Disciplines Creative Autonomy Passing the Torch

37 Who & Why? What & How?

38 My communication sins

39 I’ve got a lot to write about and I know everyone will want to read every single word. Isn’t it fun to see just how much text I can fit into a tiny little space? It would probably be even better if I added some bullet points. Now, if you managed to read this far, you’re probably thinking “my goodness, I could have gone to the iPad session. In fact, maybe I can still sneak out. He’s not looking at me right now, or is he? Hey do you think they’re giving one away? Did I miss putting my name in the hat? Oh good, no more room for additional text on this slide!”

40 How do you get to Carnegie Hall? PRACTICE
Getting out of the gate – tough for me

41 A master technology story teller – Steve Jobs

42 Some simple things done well




46 A full strategy and plan Rice University

47 Carlyn Foshee Chatfield, Effective IT Communication Channels, EDUCAUSE Southwest Regional Conference, Feb. 2010



50 Scottsdale Community College video
  Scottsdale Community College video

51 Thanks Let’s Talk

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