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ALICE Status 4th CERN-Korea meeting

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1 ALICE Status 4th CERN-Korea meeting
Korean participation ALICE November 2008 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

2 Korean Participation in ALICE
Participating Groups: Kangnung: TOF assembly & commissioning, physics Sejong: Grid computing, physics Kisti: ALICE Korea Tier-2 Since April 2008 Yonsei: TRD assembly and commissioning, physics Pusan (replacing Pohang) Physics Activity Report by Dr. Y. W. Baek April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

3 Collaboration News Elections/Nominations New Institutes since April
Houston (USA) EMCAL, Computing Institutes leaving BARC Mumbai (India) leaving ALICE associate member, completed its technical contribution to the PMD electronics Ongoing discussions Comsats, Pinstec (Pakistan) Physics, computing Elections/Nominations Spokesperson: JS re-elected until end 2010 Deputy Spokesperson, P. Kuijer (NIKHEF/Utrecht), 2 years ( ) Resource Coordinator: C. Decosse (CERN) starting April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

Detector: Size: 16 x 26 meters Weight: 10,000 tons TOF TRD HMPID ITS PMD PHOS Korea: - TOF - TRD - Computing - Physics Muon Arm Collaboration: > 1000 Members > 100 Institutes > 30 countries ALICE Set-up TPC April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

5 ALICE Detector Installation mid 2008
Complete: ITS, TPC, TOF, HMPID, FMD, T0, V0, ZDC, Muon arm, Acorde Partial installation: 1/5 PHOS 4/18 TRD 9/48 PMD 0/6 EMCAL ~ 40% DAQ/HLT ALICE Status Installation targets met by mid 2008 April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

6 24 April: Insertion of final TOF super module
April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

7 Installation of final muon chamber
April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

8 Installation 1st PHOS module
April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

9 Formal end of ALICE installation July 2008
April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

10 Data Taking & Commissioning
Comissioning runs (24/7) Cosmics I (2 weeks, Dec 2007) local (individual detectors) and start of global (several detectors) commissioning Cosmics II (3 weeks, Febr/Mar 2008) local/global commissioning, first few days of alignment ‘test’ run, magnet commissioning Cosmics III (since May 2008 continuous operation 24/7) global commissioning, calibration & alignment production runs Injection tests TI2 dump in June , injection tests August, first circulating beam September observed very high particle fluxes during dumps and even during injection through ALICE 10’s to 1000’s of particles/cm2 with beam screens in LHC and/or TI2 decided to switch off all sensitive detectors during injection April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

11 Injection tests SPD hits versus bunch intensity (beam through ALICE)
FMD event display (1 bunch through ALICE, > hits) FMD hits versus SPD hits (beam through ALICE) SPD/SSD, Sunday, 15.6 Dump on TED April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

12 First beam 10th September
SPD hits on , shortly after 9 am V0 hits on , shortly after 9 am April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

13 Luminosity monitor (V0)
Double turn, beam 1 back at point 2 ! Single turn April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

14 First interactions 12th September
Circulating beam 2: stray particle causing an interaction in the ITS ITS tracks on 7 reconstructed tracks, common vertex April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

15 TPC Commissioning TPC up and running since end 2007
chamber+FC, gas system, cooling, FEE, Laser, DCS, DAQ, HLT,… noise reduction: modify PS (some occasional excess noise remains in outer parts) TDR: s ~ 1 measured: April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

16 TPC Performance First preliminary results from cosmics
Momentum Resolution (uncalibrated) First preliminary results from cosmics dE/dx resolution (PPR goal: ~ 5.5%) < 6% pt resolution (PPR goal: ~ 10 GeV) ~ 10 GeV w/o calibration Particle Identification April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

17 Planning Until mid October Medium term (until LHC restart spring 2009)
continue cosmic running & consolidation of online software for ~ 3 weeks Medium term (until LHC restart spring 2009) ‘shutdown mode’, start with activities planned for winter shutdown re-arrange cabling on mini-frame (ITS,TPC) to allow better access to electronics major activity, requiring > 4 months of work both underground & surface detector consolidation TPC capacitors; recover some ITS modules, improve SPD cooling, … detector installation (TRD, PHOS, PMD, EMCAL), … 3 PHOS, 8 TRD modules, 2 EMCAL modules, complete PMD Long term: complete detector PMD (2008), DAQ/HLT(2009),TRD (2009), PHOS (2010/11), EMCAL (2010/11) April 08 CERN-Korea J. Schukraft

18 2009 Construction Budget

19 Kangnung/Sejong: fully paid: 100 k
Common Fund, C&I Contributions Unit: kCHF Cutoff date: 30 October 2008 *) Modified by MoU Addendum **) Balance = Funds received - Funds due Institute Fee: Kangnung/Sejong: fully paid: 100 k Yonsei: 17 k paid, 33 k in 2008/9 June 26, 2018 19 19

20 M&O A: M&O cat. A invoices/income 2002 - 2008 closing date: 30.10.08
‘02-’08: fully paid (CHF)

21 PhD & equivalent survey 2009
21 21

22 Invoices/Contributions 2009
Unit: CHF Closing date: M&O A: 2009 invoice: Korea KICOS: 78.7 k CHF (forecast: 78.9) Korea Yonsei: 26.2 k CHF 22 22

23 M&O B M&O MoU: “For Category B, the cost shall be shared by the Funding Agencies and Institutes concerned in a manner that the Collaboration shall propose to the RRB”

24 2009 M&O B sharing (kCHF)

25 Summary Installation: Commissioning and initial calibration/alignment
met all installation goals by mid 2008 Commissioning and initial calibration/alignment went rather well, sometimes even better than expected (e.g. TPC, SPD alignment + trigger) some (mostly minor) hickups / problems (noise, lost channels) / bug fixing to be improved: access to TPC for repairs/FEE exchanges cooling flow of SPD Detector performance better – within - very close to specs (at least as far as could be verified with cosmics) 12/11/ th RRB J. Schukraft

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