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Truss Analysis Engineering Mr. Cumber 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Truss Analysis Engineering Mr. Cumber 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Truss Analysis Engineering Mr. Cumber 2009

2 Bellwork What are two applications of trusses besides bridges?

3 Non-Bridge Trusses

4 Non-Bridge Trusses

5 Non-Bridge Trusses

6 Statics Not Moving Forces in X and Y directions = 0 Newton’s 2nd Law a
P a q a b

7 Importance

8 Methods Method of Joints Method of Sections a q c P Fbc Fac P a b P
Rx Ry Fab

9 Method of Joints Good when few members When all forces are needed
To check Method of Sections data

10 Execution Cut each joint, draw forces Fill in angles
Break down forces into X and Y components Add like forces, solve for unknowns

11 Class Example If P = 300 N, a = 60, q = 30, what is the force on member [bc]? c P a q a b

12 Example Step One: Cut Joint Step Two: Fill in Forces
Step Three: Fill in Angles 60 30 Fbc Fac 300

13 Example Step Four: Break Forces into X and Y components
Fxac Fxbc Fxac = Fac cos 60 Fyac = Fac sin 60 Fxbc = Fbc cos 30 Fybc = Fbc sin 30 60 30 60 Fybc Fyac 30 Fbc Fac 300

14 Example Step Five: Sum like forces and set = to 0, solve!
SFx = 0 = -Fxac + Fxbc (right is positive) SFy = 0 = Fyac + Fybc (down is positive) Complete w/Mr. Cumber on board Fxac = Fac cos 60 Fyac = Fac sin 60 Fxbc = Fbc cos 30 Fybc = Fbc sin 30

15 Practice If P = 500 N, a = 72, q = 18, what is the force on member [ac]? P c a q a b

16 Method of Sections Good when there are lots of members
When only one specific member force is needed

17 Execution Cut truss into two sections (through the member you need)
Treat section as a single rigid body Draw Forces and Angles Determine X and Y Components Solve for SFx and SFy = 0

18 Class Example If P = 300 N, a = 60, q = 30, what is the force on member [bc]? ab = 20 cm ac = 10 cm bc = 17.3 cm c P a q a b

19 Example Step One: Cut Truss Step Two: Draw Forces and Angles
Step Three: Determine components Fxbc Fxbc = Fbc cos 30 Fybc = Fbc sin 30 30 Fybc 300 Fbc Rx Ry Fab

20 Example Step Four: Sum like forces and set = to 0, solve!
SFx = 0 = Fxbc + Fab + Rx (right is positive) SFy = 0 = Fybc + Ry (down is positive) SM = 0 (New Equation! – for Rx and Ry) Complete w/Mr. Cumber on board

21 Important Notes Either method should give the same answer
Use to check Choosing a method wisely will save lots of work Figure out reaction forces first - you might need them later.

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