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Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework
An Introduction for Framework Members

2 Overview Up to 8 members per value banding per lot
All framework agreements have been distributed – any issues please highlight so we can rectify Further competition will primarily be going through the Kent Business Portal Framework is open to other public bodies as outlined in the original OJEU notice Initial agreement duration is 2 years with the option to extend for a further 2 Medway needs members set up on their finance system

3 Further Competitions Framework allows for direct award/ mini comp
The lots/value bands have been set up on the Kent Business Portal Main point of contact can be changed/updated You’ll receive notification upon new opportunity (goes to the main point of contact’s ) Reason behind updating information Further competition will work the same as the framework set up but streamlined

4 Further Competition Pt.3
Terms and Conditions used are not dictated by the framework Mini comp’s Quality/Price is dictated by the complexity of the project: Contracting bodies are responsible for adopting the correct split There are no time limit restrictions on mini comps Prices submitted must be equal to or lower than those submitted at tender stage PURCHASE TYPE QUALITY/PRICE RATIO (Q/P) Innovative 80/20 to 55/45 Complex 70/30 to 50/50 Straightforward 40/60 to 25/75 Routine 30/70 to 20/80

5 Kent Business Portal User guide created for other public bodies
Copies available Please send any system comments to System has been used to ensure the OJEU upper threshold isn’t breached Discussion section accessible during mini comps Call off contracts will be issued by the public body running the further competition. The terms of which are at their discretion

6 Key Performance Indicators
Framework KPIs: On time delivery Ability to work collaboratively Ability to adhere to project budget Ability to meet client’s needs Assessed using client’s feedback following project delivery, framework members expected to achieve at least 2 out of 3 across the board Score Criteria: 1 The contractor failed to meet the KPI 2 The KPI was achieved by the contractor 3 The requirements set for the KPI were exceeded by the contractor

7 Framework Suspension Obviously something we don’t expect to occur but something that needs to be raised Can occur from consistent issues E.g. failing to meet KPIs Failure to rectify suspension issues can result in termination of framework agreement Dealt with by Medway Council – no other public body can suspend/terminate framework members

8 Actions Ensure signed framework agreements are returned to Medway Council Cant award call off contracts otherwise Ensure contact details on the Kent Business Portal are correct Complete and return the new supplier set up form

9 Documentation Will also be distributed electronically after this meeting: CPSC Framework User Guide Access Agreement Form Kent Business Portal User Guide All can be shared with potential framework buyers

10 Any Questions/Suggestions?

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