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What is Merit Health? Merit Health is the state’s largest health network by number of facilities across Mississippi.

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2 What is Merit Health? Merit Health is the state’s largest health network by number of facilities across Mississippi.

3 Covering the State 120 Physician Practices
2,500 Physicians on the combined active Medical Staffs 7,000 Employees

4 Caring for Friends and Family
Each year Merit Health hospitals average: 53,000 admissions 300,000 emergency department visits 8,500 babies delivered

5 Statewide System Benefits
Shared Best Practices Recruiting Physicians Access to Healthcare Services Operate More Efficiently

6 Covering the State As part of a statewide network, Merit Health is able to use our size and shared resources to benefit our patients and communities. Batesville - Merit Health Batesville Amory - Merit Health Gilmore Memorial Clarksdale - Merit Health Northwest Mississippi Canton - Merit Health Madison Flowood - Merit Health Woman’s Hospital Brandon - Merit Health Rankin Flowood - Merit Health River Oaks Jackson - Merit Health Central Vicksburg - Merit Health River Region Natchez - Merit Health Natchez Hattiesburg - Merit Health Wesley Biloxi - Merit Health Biloxi Merit Health Batesville and Merit Health Natchez – Community Campus are owned by partnerships that proudly include physician owners, including certain members of the respective hospital's medical staff.

7 Extending the Reach of Care
“There’s a way to do it better – find it.” - Thomas Edison “Our success has really been based on partnerships from the very beginning.” - Bill Gates “Competition makes us faster. Collaboration makes us better.” - Anonymous

8 Extending the Reach of Care
Our statewide footprint allows us to opens access to care through our hospitals and clinics, as well as through strategic partnerships. Integrated employer health management through a personalized system of care and shared financial risk. Innovative telehealth solutions and strategies for employers, long-term care, hospitals and retail locations.

9 Integrated employer health management through
a personal system of care and shared financial risk We transform local communities of care for individuals, physicians, payers, and other providers. September 29, 2016

10 “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”
We are not another version of the latest fashionable theory of healthcare reform. At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.”

11 The Challenge for Employers and Physicians
The Health System’s Bureaucratic Solutions v Market Realities Clinical Integration Is the Latest Solution from the Land of Oz Expecting a system with a business model that does not work to buy market control and then become efficient is like putting a saddle on a cow and expecting a race horse. At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

12 What should employers demand from their health care providers?
No less than what is required of them by their customers! Results not jargon Reliable Information Competition based on performance Compensation based on results At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

13 Health Plan Costs: An Iceberg
Not A Zero Sum Game. Why does health care cost too much? Overutilizers: < 10% members > 75% of total plan costs This is who gets care Overtreated Mistreated Treated too late Underserved Members This is who does not get care Undertreated Not treated Treated too late We reduce an employer’s health plan costs by reaching all the members and effectively connecting them with local physicians and other providers.

14 Too Little Care => Future High Cost Members.
What We Do Save health plans money by improving care and reaching everybody – a data-based plan of care for the entire health plan Don’t disrupt the existing provider network or require plan changes Improve care by expanding, empowering, and harmonizing the roles of community physicians and other providers Hands-on plans of care for high cost members We reach members who get too little care We are paid based on results in year one – shared savings measured in hard dollars and objective data Too Little Care => Future High Cost Members.

15 Our Tools Employer Health Management Population Health Management
Onsite and Near Site clinics Employee Data Registry – claims and clinical Local Physician Collaboration Health and Well-Being Education Chronic Disease Management Individualized Care management Population Health Management “We do population health, one person at a time.” Condition Management

16 The Southern Farm Bureau Success Story – Phase I
Reduced its health plan costs from a deficit to a $3.0 million surplus with a six-year plan. Achieved this through employee health programs and onsite clinic. But approach was not deep enough and had plateaued. SHN enhanced these results by integrating plan data, clinical management and employee education to improve upon this well-established program.

17 We Get Immediate Results
The Southern Farm Bureau Success Story 12% reduction in 2015 health plan costs after only 8 months of operations. Comprehensive improvement across all groups and key categories. Results were achieved in a plan that had already reduced total costs by >$3.0 million over six years (see above). Detailed analysis by subgroup shows that these savings were the result of the Southern Health Network interventions. 2015 SFBLI Plan Cost Reductions First 8 Months of SHN Program At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

18 Based On A Proven Model Our clinical model is based on the successful Diabetes Care Group program for managing diabetes and metabolic disease. DCG is a proven model that controls diabetes and avoids its preventable costs. 9 in 10 DCG patients achieve and maintain control. The adjacent chart shows actual and typical year 1 savings of 44% by a DCG client on its members with diabetes ($5,775 on $13,228 average claims/member). Savings correspond with best-in-class clinical improvements across all key measures of metabolic health. At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

19 Performance-Based Risk
We are paid through shared savings and are at risk for results in year one. Savings are measured using discrete, objective, and complete claims data for each employer. We measure results against actual, historic claims of the health plan. We receive one-half of the savings we generate each year for a three-year period. We share one-half of our own savings with primary care physicians in appropriate markets. At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

20 How We Work with Employers
Southern Health Network, Inc. reduces the health plan costs of self-insured employers and improves the health and productivity of their employees. At around 300 employees, experts suggest self insuring. In 2011, 58.5 percent of workers with health coverage were in self-insured plans, up from 40.9 percent in 1998.

21 Telehealth Strategy

22 Dr. Chris Powe, COO

23 What is telehealth/telemedicine?
Telehealth encompasses a broad variety of technologies and tactics to deliver virtual medical, health, and education services. It is a collection of means to enhance care and education delivery.

24 About TelehealthOne TelehealthOne delivers fully-integrated telemedicine solutions that vastly improve access to healthcare. With just the touch of a button, TelehealthOne providers can have virtual telemedicine visits with patients and remotely monitor, diagnose, and treat them for common conditions. Convenience is often a barrier to seeking healthcare and TelehealthOne aims to close that gap through its services in communities, facilities and businesses that are in need of better healthcare options.

25 About TelehealthOne Four major markets: Retail clinics Long-term care
Nocturnist program Employers

26 The Benefits of Telemedicine
The use of telemedicine has spread rapidly over the last several decades and is becoming integrated into healthcare delivery systems at an increasing rate. Telemedicine offers patients and providers benefits that include: Reduced healthcare costs Increased patient access to providers, especially in medically underserved areas Improved quality and continuity of care Faster and more convenient treatment resulting in reduction of lost work time and travel costs for patients

27 Telehealth Delivery Methods
Live video (synchronous) Store-and-forward (asynchronous) Remote patient monitoring (RPM) Mobile health (mHealth)

28 Telehealth in Mississippi
Mississippi has the worst doctor shortage in the country. Massachusetts has about 2½ times more doctors per capita. That ratio jumps to about 3-to-1 for specialists. The Magnolia State ranks at or near the bottom in most health rankings: worst infant mortality and most kids born with low birth weight; second-to- highest rate of obesity and cancer deaths; second from the last in diabetes outcomes. Because of these unmet needs, Mississippi is utilizing telehealth to improve healthcare availability, access and convenience

29 TelehealthOne TelehealthOne and Merit Health pioneered a telenocturnist program at four Merit Health hospitals in the Jackson market. The telenocturnist: Eases the burden for the hospitalist Treats and admits patients Improves speed and efficiency of overnight care HIPAA Compliant

30 Telehealth for Employers
Mississippi is highly progressive in telemedicine Self insurers can join the evolution Affordable Increases productivity Improves performance Continuum of care – employees more likely to seek primary care and specialists for further treatment

31 Employees Receive… Onsite healthcare access - convenience
Affordable copays Easy-to-use technology No waits or appointments needed

32 Caring for the State of Mississippi
Through our strategic partnerships, We are able to provide additional resources to benefit our patients and communities.

33 Merit Health Batesville Merit Health Gilmore Memorial
Merit Health Northwest Merit Health Madison Merit Health Woman’s Hospital Merit Health Rankin Merit Health River Oaks Merit Health Central Merit Health River Region Merit Health Natchez Merit Health Wesley Merit Health Biloxi Ridgeland Greenwood Flowood Vicksburg State Health Plan – Diabetes Care Group Merit Health Central Merit Health Rankin Merit Health River Oaks Merit Health Madison Canton Flora Morton Pelahatchie Jackson Clinton Union Lexington Pearl Carthage Merit Health Batesville and Merit Health Natchez – Community Campus are owned by partnerships that proudly include physician owners, including certain members of the respective hospital's medical staff.

34 Questions?


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