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Managing in organizations
Chapter XIV: Managing in organizations Presenter:林国浒 Chinese and Western Cultures: A Course of Comparative Study
Contents Masculinity versus femininity Uncertainty Avoidance
Management styles The culture of organization
1. 备有贵宾的照片。 2. 依据贵宾搭乘的飞机班次,预先电询航空公司该班飞机是否准时或延迟,乘客名单中是否包括该位贵宾,他是否已坐上此班飞机等事项。 3. 掌握前往机场的时间,务必要在飞机抵达前先到达机场。 4. 在前往接机之前,接待人员应先行以海报纸明显写出贵宾姓名,粘好双面胶,在确定该班飞机已抵达,便可由接待人员拿着,以提醒贵宾的注意。
5. 如果是公务,要先自报家门“我是某公司某部门某某,欢迎光临。”比较合乎礼仪的谈话内容通常涉及到贵宾的旅行如何,本公司对贵宾的行程安排等等。如果是朋友之间接机,谈话内容较随意。
二、案例分析: Mr Green’s secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to meet Mr. Barnes for the boss. Miss Kent: A) Excuse me, would you be Mr. Barnes? B) Are you Mr. Barnes? C) Excuse me, would you please tell me if you are Mr. Banes? D) You are Mr. Barnes, aren’t you?
三、情景对话 1. 接外国人: A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Williams from America? B: Yes, I am. A: I’m Li Ming from ABC Company. Glad to see you. B: Glad to see you, too.
2. 接朋友 A: Hi! Welcome back. How was your trip to Shanghai? B: It was good, but I’m glad to be back. I got back late last night. A: What time? When was your flight? B: I got back to Beijing around 9:30 last night. I was quite tired. A: How did you get home? A taxi? B: No. Luckily my friend picked me up at the airport and gave me a lift home.
四、相关表达 1. 记住当你谈论旅程或者旅行时用back 这个词。例如:Welcome back. /欢迎回来;I got back late last night. /我昨晚很晚回来的; I came back from Shanghai yesterday. /我昨天从上海回来。 2. 如果你想说某人用车接你,你可以用这样的短语:He picked me up at the airport./他开车到机场去接我;He gave me a lift home. /他把我送回家。
The 4 pairs of contrasting values Hofstede indentified are:
Power distances Individualism versus collectivism Masculinity versus femininity Uncertainty Avoidance
Toughness and tenderness
Masculinity versus femininity gender men: assertiveness, competitiveness, and toughness women: modesty, cooperation and tenderness
According to Hofstede, in the most masculine countries, both men and women are relatively tough, but in those countries (Japan), there is a significant difference in expectations for men and women. In more “feminine” countries there are fewer differences in expectations for men and women.
In the United States A relatively masculine country on Hofstede’s scale, the women’s movement emphasizes encouraging women to become more like men. Women are encouraged to seek jobs traditionally held by men and to take training courses in assertiveness and self-defense. Women are encouraged to be just as career-oriented and ambitions as men.
In the Scandinavian countries
More feminine on hofstede ’s scale, the women’s movement has stressed sharing family responsibilities between men and women. Both men and women have a legal right to take time off from their jobs to take care of children.
In Japan The most masculine country included in Hofstede’s survey, men are expected to devote themselves to their careers, while women stay at home with the children. While at home , however, women spend their time supervising their children’s study so they can compete successfully on examinations.
In his research Hofstede found many differences within national cultures on the values of tenderness and toughness. Age Young people, regardless of gender, tend to have more masculine values than older people do. Occupation Sales people regardless of gender have tougher values than managers do, and managers have tougher values than unskilled industrial and office workers do. Those with higher positions in work organizations may be expected to be tough, while those occupying lower positions may be expected to be more modest.
Exploring ideas Hofstede found that people working at different jobs have different values. In thinking about your present or future work, do you think your chosen field requires relatively though or relatively tender value? Dose this match well with your personal values? (Engineer, traditional industries)
Uncertainty avoidance
The Uncertainty Avoidance Index seeks to measure the extent to which people in a particular society are able to tolerate the unknowns of life. It is also a measure of tolerance for ambiguity. People from low uncertainly avoidance countries do not have a strong need to control things, people, and events by clearly defining and categorizing them.
Please look at P.224,234,276,279 figure11,13,14,15 Germany Great Britain
Management styles The value differences of tenderness and toughness and weak and strong uncertainty avoidance are frequently overlooked. With that information and an understanding of the values the indices measure, you can better anticipate what the manager or customer is likely to expect from you.
Weak uncertainty avoidance
Explorers Controllers Organizers Advisors Tender Tough Strong uncertainty avoidance
Exploring ideas If a human resources manager from a Singaporean company were coming to your campus to recruit university graduates for positions in his company, what do you think he might be looking for in a potential employee? What should you emphasize in an interview with this manage? What about other countries ? (Singaporean MAS:48 UAI:8)
The culture of organization
Each company has its own values, history, customs, attitudes, relationship patterns, and preferred ways of working. If you are applying for a job with a foreign company or working for one, it is helpful to understand the characteristics of its organizational culture.
Pyramids In countries with large power distance and strong uncertainty avoidance, people like power and authority to be concentrated in one person and they like activities to be structured.
Machines In countries with small power distance and strong uncertainty avoidance, people prefer to structure activities without concentrating authority at the top of the organization. They want their organizations to run like well-oiled machines. They want everyone to know what they should do without having to take orders from an all-powerful boss.
Markets Countries with weak uncertainty avoidance and small power distance prefer organizations that resemble local markets. The structure is not as clearly defined and the social and emotional distances between people at various levels are small. People negotiate, bargain and generally work out problems as they arise.
Families Countries and regions roots in Chinese culture tend to combine large power distance and weak uncertainty avoidance. Employees at lower levels in the organization may have high level professional skills and good ideas about how something could be improved, but they will not contradict the boss. The issue is not what the employee achieves but whether or not the leader favors him.
Thank you! THE END
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