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Aim, Organisation and Time Frame

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1 Aim, Organisation and Time Frame
NORIA-net Arctic Aim, Organisation and Time Frame Marianne Røgeberg, Stockholm 9 April 2013

2 Taylor & Francis Sage Blackwell, Blackwell Munksgaard Wiley Springer Elsevier NordForsk in Brief Established 2005 as one of two pillars in NORIA (Nordic Research and Innovation Area) Board: One representative from each of the Nordic countries' national research councils Three representatives for higher education institutions One business representative. Observers from each of the autonomous areas, the research councils in the Baltic countries, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Nordic Innovation Centre and the NordForsk secretariat. Secretariat: Co-located with Nordic Innovation Centre and Nordic Energy Research in Oslo Basic budget from the Nordic Council of Ministers: appr. 15 mill Euro, making it the largest Nordic institution. Additional funding from national research financiers. Total funding for our programmes operating amounts to more than 130 mill Euro.

3 Strategy 2011-2014 Main focus areas
Research policy analysis - issues of relevance to the Nordic research landscape and the European Research Area (ERA) Research funding- thematic priorities: Climate, energy and the environment, health and welfare, food/nutrition, agricultural research/bioeconomy, ICT/eScience, educational research, Arctic research, societal security. Collaboration on joint use, and development of research infrastructure Contributing to the development of the European Research Area (ERA) Communication and dissemination of results of joint Nordic research programmes

4 Strategy In short – what we do: Identify research priorities suitable for joint Nordic efforts, and provide instruments for cooperation/joint funding. Provide financial support to such efforts, together with national research financers – based on their national priorities. Add value to national activities Policy advice - serve as advisory body to the Nordic Council of Ministers, strengthen the knowledge base for policy making

5 NORIA-net A preparatory action to strengthen collaboration between national research councils and policy makers in the Nordic countries Aim: Identify areas where joint Nordic research activities can add value to national efforts in the Nordic countries “Nordic equivalent” of the ERA-net concept, to contribute to a Nordic “internal market” for research A NORIA-net will normally result in a proposal for a joint Nordic research programme. Themes for NORIA-nets chosen based on their strategic significance (to policymakers and the research community)

6 NORIA-net on Arctic Research – overall aim
Assess the potential for a joint Nordic research initiative in response to the grand societal challenges the Arctic region is confronted with Prepare a proposal for such an initiative The proposal should: Focus on research needs in responding to challenges and opportunities in the Arctic region (in light of inter alia climate change and globalization) Take a multidisciplinary approach Produce knowledge of relevance to policy makers regarding smart adaptation to climate change in the Arctic region

7 Overarching issues (tentatively)
Responsible, Inclusive Development in the Arctic region Health and Wellbeing among Arctic People Green Development of Arctic Ecosystems Geopolitics in the Arctic – the Arctic as a Global Player

8 Organisation and time plan
Research councils from all the five Nordic countries are represented in the NORIA-net (Swedish Research Council, Academy of Finland, Rannis, Norwegian Research Council, Copenhagen University representing Danish Agency for Technology and Innovation) Three expert groups are established to identify multidisciplinary research needs on Arctic issues (Health and medicine, Social sciences and the humanities, Natural sciences and technology) Involvement of key stakeholders in the Arctic is essential. A reference group of high level representatives of the research community, the business sector, research financiers, NGOs, the indigenous population and policy makers have been set up. The group met 11 March in Oslo to discuss the overall aim and focus areas of a joint Nordic initiative on Arctic research. The meeting was constructive and well attended.

9 Organisation and time plan
NORIA-net Arctic was established in August 2012, and will finalize its work in June 2013 The work will result in a proposal for a joint Nordic program on Arctic research, which is to be presented to the NordForsk Board at its meeting in June this year. The aim is to start the joint Nordic program in 2014, for a period of 4-5 years

10 Thank you for your attention!

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