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Stabfund: How to Slice Up a Pie?

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Presentation on theme: "Stabfund: How to Slice Up a Pie?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stabfund: How to Slice Up a Pie?
Government View Our View 8.8% GDP 1.2% GDP Future Generation Fund Reserves

2 Transition under 5% real rate of return on pension assets

3 Key Features of Integrated Asset-Liability Management System
Concentration on the long-term target Flexible risk management Global diversification

4 List of Spin-Offs Increase in number of institutional investors supplying long-term money Deeper domestic financial markets More skilled specialists in the financial sector Long-term consistent decision making Less fragile domestic financial markets Positive effect on the social policy

5 ALM Agency vs. Central Banks
Targets Maintain stability of financial system with short-term liquidity limits Effectively manage national assets and liabilities aiming at long-term return Behavior Cooperative Non-Cooperative

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