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A new algorithm for gap constrained sequence mining

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1 A new algorithm for gap constrained sequence mining
Salvatore Orlando, Raffaele Perego,Claudio Silvestri Proceedings of 2004 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Advisor:Jia-Ling Koh Speaker:Chun-Wei Hsieh 11/19/2004

2 Problem A sequence occurs in under the minimum gap and maximum gap constraints, denoted as , if there exists integers such that , and

3 Min_gap constraint: Let be an input database sequence. If ,
then all its subsequences , , satisfy . Min_gap constraint is an anti-monotone constraint

4 Max_gap constraint: Let be an input database sequence. If , then all its subsequences , , satisfy . ? Max_gap constraint is not an anti-monotone constraint

5 SPADE might loose candidates
A candidate k-sequence is made by a pair of frequent (k-1) –subsequences that share a common (k-2)-preffix. . SPADE might loose candidates

6 Contiguous sequences is obtained from by dropping an item from either or ; is obtained from by dropping an item from , where ; is a contiguous subsequence of , and is a contiguous subsequence of

7 Prefix and Suffix Subsequence
Max_gap constraint becomes anti-monotone, when using contiguous subsequence. A prefix or suffix of a sequence is a particular contiguous subsequence of

8 cSPADE destroys the prex-class
cSPADE solves the problem by using the contiguous subsequence concept. It combines the (k-1)-prex and 2-sux of are contiguous subsequences of . cSPADE destroys the prex-class

9 CCSM 1) Count-based phase: scanning the database and mining the and
2)The horizontal database is transformed into a vertical one. 3) Intersection-based phase: generating the candidate k-sequence by merging with such that

10 Candidate generation Figure 1: CCSM candidate generation.

11 Idlist intersection To determine the support of a candidate k-sequence p, we have first to produce the associated idlist L(p). , , and can be joined to produce .

12 Idlist intersection .

13 Idlist intersection Order
. Left to right : store the eid of the last item/event Right to left : store the eid of the first item/event (sid,eid) (sid, first_eid,last_eid)

14 Idlist caching Figure 2: Example of cache usage.
Figure 3: CCSM idlist reuse.

15 Experiment 1 Figure 4: Number of intersection operations actually performed using 2-ways, pure k-ways and cached k-waysintersection methods while mining two synthetic datasets.

16 Experiment 2 Figure 5: Number of frequent sequences in datasets CS11 (minsup=0:30) and CS21(minsup=0:40) as afunction of the pattern length for dierent values of the max gapconstraint.

17 Experiment 3 Figure 6: Execution times of CCSM and cSPADE on datasets CS11 (minsup=0:30) and CS21 (minsup=0:40)as a function of the max gap value.

18 Experiment 4 Figure 7: Execution times of CCSM and cSPADE on datasets CS11 and CS21 with a xed max gap constraint(max gap=8) as a function of the minimum support threshold.

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