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T. Ishiwatari Stefan Meyer Institut, Vienna, Austria

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1 T. Ishiwatari Stefan Meyer Institut, Vienna, Austria
The SIDDHARTA experiment: kaonic hydrogen and deuterium X-ray spectroscopy T. Ishiwatari Stefan Meyer Institut, Vienna, Austria SIDDHARTA Collaboration Silicon Drift Detector for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Applications LNF- INFN, Frascati, Italy SMI- ÖAW, Vienna, Austria IFIN – HH, Bucharest, Romania Politecnico, Milano, Italy MPE, Garching, Germany PNSensors, Munich, Germany RIKEN, Japan Univ. Tokyo, Japan Victoria Univ., Canada 9. Oct. 2007, XII HADRON07

2 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Kaonic atom X-rays and KN scattering lengths Shift (e) and width (G) of K-p and K-d gives isospin dependent KN scattering lengths(a0 and a1) Difficulty 1. High-background in kaon beams 2.Small X-ray yields (a few% K-p, below 1% K-d) 3.Precise determination of X-ray energy and width X-ray detector with 1. high background rejection, 2. large-area, 3. good resolution in energy and time These scattering lengths provide Low-energy SU(3) QCD: SU(3) chiral symmetry, KN s-term, nature of L(1405), S0 ( 3115 ) S + (3140) T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

3 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Experimental results of kaonic atoms Results of kaonic hydrogen Katom Old exp. 1H Attractive shift 2D No data 3He 4He Large shift New exp. Repulsive shift No data Small shift repulsive attractive 1000 800 KpX DEAR width G1s [eV] 600 Izycki et al, 1980 400 Error on K-p is still large! 200 Bird 1983 Davies Accuracy of a few eV for K-p, First measurement for K-d (as well as 4He,3He) are badly needed! -500 500 shift e1s [eV] Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

4 DEAR experiment at DAFNE
DAFNE e+e- collider optimized to produce f-meson at rest (1.020 GeV) K- beam at DAFNE Monochromatic Low-energy No hadronic background T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

5 DEAR experimental setup
TMP CCD Electronics Vacuum Chamber APD Cryo-Cooler CryoTiger CCD Cooling CCD Pre-Amplifier CCD55-Chips Kaon Monitor 16 CCD55-30 (EEV) 1242 x 1152 pixels pixel size 22.5 x 22.5 mm total area 7.24 cm2 per chip depletion depth ~30 mm read-out time 1 min. energy resolution ~150 6keV temperature at 165 K T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

6 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
CCD X-ray detector X-ray events  1 and 2 pixel events Charged particles  large pixel events background suppression by pixel analysis X-rays T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

7 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
K-p energy spectrum by DEAR CCDs G. Beer et al., PRL 94, (2005) X-ray events T. Ishiwatari et al., NIMA 556(2006)509 DEAR results S/N~1:70 X-rays : 1,2 pixels MIPs :~ 8 pixels, Some MIPs: ~ 1,2 pixels background events on X-ray spectra Timing needed! Parts of MIPs ~1,2 pixels 1s = ± 37 (stat.) ± 6 (syst.) eV 1s = ± 111 (stat.) ± 30 (syst.) eV T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

8 SIDDHARTA experiment (LNF, Italy)
Silicon Drift Detectors for Hadronic Atom Research by Timing Application New SDDs specially designed for SIDDHARTA T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

9 Comparison of X-ray detectors used for kaonic X-ray experiments
SDD Si(Li) Experiment KpX DEAR E570 Detector Si(Li) CCD SDD Area [mm2] 200 724 100 Thickness [mm] 5 0.03 0.30 D E (FWHM) [eV] 410 170 185 D t (FWHM) [ns] 290 - 430 T. Ishiwatari NIMA in printing T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

10 Triple coincidence technique
SDDX * ScintK * ScintK K+ Φ  K+ + K- K- F Scintillator X-ray SDD Target Scintillator S/N =1:70 (CCD)10:1 (SDD) for kaonic Hydrogen e- T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

11 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Temperature K Pressure max. 5 bar 216 SDDs with 1cm2 per SDD Side wall: Kapton 75 µm Kaon entrance Window: Kapton 150 mm T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

12 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
SDDs electronics Cryogenic target cell Kaon entrance window T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

Kaon monitor focusing quads lead shield T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

14 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
SIDDHARTA: Schedule Tuning of setup / optimization pb-1 Precision measurement of kaonic hydrogen 400 pb-1 Measurement of kaonic deuterium pb-1 Further options: Kaonic helium studies (3He and 4He) 14 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

15 Monte Carlo simulation background suppression
W/o coincidence Background suppression >103 MIPs (e+/e-) in SDD Kaon decays With coincidence of K+, K-, X-ray Signal rate ~ 2.2x10-3 /s 130 /d (duty cycle=2/3 of d.) Energy (keV) Asynchronous background (e-,e+) :negligible Synchronous background (K-p reaction, kaon decay) dominant T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

16 Energy spectra in SIDDHARTA (Monte Carlo)
Kaonic deutrium Kaonic hydrogen S/N=1:1 S/N=10:1 Kg, ... Energy (keV) K-p: ε1s = 193 eV, Γ1s = 249 eV, Y(Kα )=2% precision: ε1s ± 3 eV Γ1s ± 5 eV K-d: ε1s = 325 eV, Γ1s = 630 eV, Y(Kα )=0.2% precision: ε1s ± 18 eV Γ1s ± 45 eV Signal rate ~ 2.2x10-3 /s 130 /d (duty cycle=2/3 of d.) 30 days data taking T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

17 Expected results in SIDDHARTA
Shift and width of kaonic hydrogen -500 500 200 400 600 800 1000 shift e1s [eV] Davies et al, 1979 Izycki et al, 1980 Bird et al, 1983 KpX (KEK) M. Iwasaki et al, 1997 KpX SIDDHARTA width G1s [eV] DEAR 17 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

18 Tests of vacuum chamber and target
Leak check, pressure tests, Power consumption tests, etc. have been performed. burst pressure ~ 3.5 bar T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

19 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Microscopic tests T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

20 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
SDD Spectroscopy test Performance tests of each SDD are done with an Fe source. The average of the energy resolution is ~140 eV. w40/s01 w45/s03 w49/s01 20 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

21 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
SDD test at BTF Back rejection factor at 50 Hz SDD time resolution Dt(FWHM)=720ns No Trigger (without coincidence) Trigger (With coincidence) Counts/10ch/sec TDC [ch] ADC [ch] T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

22 DAY-1 configuration: mini SIDDHARTA
SDD tests with kaon atom X-rays (Nov. and Dec. 2007) Install on “KLOE” I.P. New beam pipe New beam technique Reduced X-ray detection system: 8-12 SDDs First step: Kaonic nitrogen (and 4He) Kaonic nitrogen: 4000 X-ray events in ~3 days [30 pb-1] Performance tests of SDDs, Check background suppression 22 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

23 SIDDHARTA plans 2008: 1) ~ eV level precision measurement of kaonic hydrogen (400 pb-1); 2) first measurement of kaonic deuterium (600 pb-1) ) Kaonic helium measurement (He3 and He 4) Under study: 4) Kaon mass precision measurement at the level of 10 keV 5) Other light kaonic atoms measurement (Li, Be…); 6) Investigate the possibility of the measurement of other types of hadronic exotic atoms (sigmonic hydrogen ?)

24 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Summary DEAR finished successfully: most precise data on KH shift and width up to now Theoretical studies continue SIDDHARTA is well under way: precison measurements on KH, KD, … 24 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

25 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Thank you very much T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

26 X-ray transition energies (e.m.)
T. Ishiwatari (SMI) Kaonic hydrogen Kaonic deuterium Kaonic 3He Kaonic 4He 26 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

27 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Kaonic hydrogen With a0, a1 for the I=0,1 S-wave KN scattering lengths in the isospin limit (md = mu), m being the reduced mass of the K-p system, and neglecting isospin-breaking corrections: Deser-type formula „By using the non-relativistic effective Lagrangian approach a complete expression for the isospin-breaking corrections can be obtained; in leading order parameter-free modified Deser-type relations exist and can be used to extract scattering lengths from kaonic atom data“ (Meißner, Raha, Rusetsky, 2004) T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

28 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Kaonic deuterium For the determination of the isospin dependent scattering lengths a0 and a1 the hadronic shift and width of kaonic hydrogen and kaonic deuterium are necessary Theoretical procedures are needed to connect the observables with the isospin-dependent scattering lengths T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

29 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
K-p and K-d atom X-rays K-p (K-d) e.m. bound kaonic atoms Bohr radius ~80 fm, binding energy ~9 keV Kaonic atom e.m. energy of K line (eV) hydrogen 6479  200 deuterium 7820  325*  250  630* X-ray Yield ~1-3 % ~0.2 %** *) A.N. Ivanov, M. Cargnelli, M. Faber, H. Fuhrmann, V.A. Ivanova, J. Marton, N.I. Troitskaya, J. Zmeskal, Eur.Phys.J. A 23 (2005) 79 **) Estimated value 29 T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

30 DEAR – Comparison with theory
A.N. Ivanov et al., Eur. Phys. J. A21 (2004) 11 J. Phys. G 31 (2005) 769 Eur. Phys. J. A25 (2005) 329 B. Borasoy, R. Nißler and W. Weise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) Here on the right graph our result from DEAR for the shift and width is plotted together with the result from KEK and compared to theory values. On the left side the real and imaginary part of the scattering amplitude derived from the DEAR experiment are plotted. It looks like our result is a little difficult to digest for theory but not really a problem ;-) The graphs are from the paper of Borasoy, Nißler and Weise T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

31 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
Silicon Drift Detector high energy resolution at fast shaping times, due to the small anode capacitance Q = CV = (eS / d ) V Small capacitance SDD Si(Li) electrode type anode cathode GND UOR UIR UBACK T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

32 XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07
T. Ishiwatari XII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy - Hadron07

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