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Chandra X-ray Observatory

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1 Chandra X-ray Observatory
Jubee Sohn

2 Index Brief History of X-ray observation
History of Chandra X-ray observatory Chandra Hardwares Chandra Key Sciences Summary

3 What are four NASA’ s great Telescope?
Quiz #1 What are four NASA’ s great Telescope?

4 What are four NASA’ s great Telescope?
Quiz #1 What are four NASA’ s great Telescope? A > Hubble Space Telescope Spitzer Space Telescope Chandra X-ray Observatory Compton Gamma Rays Observatory

5 How the ‘Chandra’ observatory got its name?
Quiz #2 How the ‘Chandra’ observatory got its name?

6 Quiz #2 How the ‘Chandra’ observatory got its name?
A > named after ‘Chandrasekar’

7 History of X-ray observation
A new form of radiation discovered in 1895 by Roentgen

8 History of X-ray observation
The Earth’s atmosphere absorbs X-rays, X-ray observatories must be placed high above the Earth’s atmosphere More than 25 X-ray missions have done, up to now The first X-ray observation started in ( Geiger detector aboard V2 rocket ) X-ray absorption in Earth atmosphere

9 Quiz #3 What was the first X-ray detected astronomical object?

10 Quiz #3 What was the first X-ray detected astronomical object?
A > The Solar Corona! Using Geiger counter aboard a capture V2

11 History of X-ray observation
Some major missions : Uhuru : early 70’s detection of black holes and neutron stars Einstein launched in 1978 the first imaging X-ray observatory Rosat (Roentgensatellite) mission in 90’s more than 60,000 X-ray sources detection XMM-Newton Suzaku joint project of JAXA & NASA covered high energy regime (>20keV)

12 XMM - Newton launched in 1999 ( still working )
powerful complement of Chandra ( low resolution, high sensitivity ) extreme sensitive to extended emission high sensitivity at high energy regime ( > 10keV)

13 XMM - Newton

14 Chandra X-ray observatory?
Chandra X-ray Observatory is the most sophisticated X-ray observatory built to date Designed to observe X-ray with high resolution History of Chandra started in mid-70s

15 History of Chandra Firstly, proposed in 1976 and funding began in 1977
In 1992, there was major reconstructing

16 History of Chandra Launched in 1999 by Columbia space shuttle
Chandra official first light image recorded by the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)

17 Achievement of Chandra
One of the most successful mission Total number of HST Science papers : 9522 The # of HST papers for the same period of Chandra activity : 6347 For the first 10 yrs of HST : 3410

18 Chandra Hardware Spacecraft diameter : 1.2m Focal length : 10m
detector located at the end of spacecraft orbital period : 64hr Uninterrupted observations as long as 55 hrs rest of times spacecraft moved into charged particle zone

19 Chandra Hardware Telescope system
Because of their high energy, X-ray photons penetrate into a mirror The mirrors have to be exquisitely shaped and aligned nearly parallel to incoming X-rays Use Bragg diffraction for light collection : 2dsinθ = nλ The mirrors were coated with Irridium

20 Chandra Hardware Instruments Combined with four science instruments
The incoming x-rays are focused by 4 mirrors on a tiny spot on the focal plane The focal plane science instruments : ACIS (Advanced CCD Imaging and Spectrometer ) HRC ( High Resolution Camera ) Two grating spectrometers : LETG ( Low Energy Transmission Grating ) HETG ( High Energy Transmission Grating )

21 ACIS (Advanced CCD Imaging and Spectrometer)
This allows for high resolution (~1”) imaging & moderate resolution spectroscopy Consists of ten ( 1k x 1k ) CCDs ( I-array : 4, S-array : 6 ) pixel size : 24 μm ( 0.492” ) each CCD has 8.3’ x 8.3’ FoV A CCD is a solid-state electronic device composed of ‘Si’ CCDs are sensitive to optical as well as X-ray, Optical Blocking Filters are placed (Al + polyimide + Al)


23 HRC ( High Resolution Camera)
Energy range : 0.08 ~ 10 keV HRC - I : for imaging FoV : 30’ x 30’ pixel scale : 0.13” FWHM : 0.4” HRC - S : for spectrographic FoV : 6’ x 99’ R ~ 1keV

24 HETG ( High Energy Transmission Grating )
Used for high resolution spectroscopy of bright sources in the keV ( Å) using ACIS-S → X-shaped spectra Often used to measure Doppler velocities even low as 50km/s ( clearly resolve lines from O to Fe-K ) E / ΔE ~ , keV)

25 HETG ( High Energy Transmission Grating )
Used for high resolution spectroscopy of bright sources in the keV ( Å) using ACIS-S → X-shaped spectra Often used to measure Doppler velocities even low as 50km/s ( clearly resolve lines from O to Fe-K ) E / ΔE ~ , keV)

26 LETG ( Low Energy Transmission Grating )
LETG+HRC : stellar coronae, white dwarf atm. cataclysmic variables LETG+ACIS-S : harder spectra such as X-ray binaries & AGN example of LETG spectra of ‘Capella’

27 Chandra Key Sciences Weisskopf et al. 2002
Supernova explosions and remnants, where the explosion shocks the ambient interstellar medium or a pulsar powers the emission Accretion disks or jets around stellar-mass neutron stars or black holes Accretion disks or jets around massive black holes in galactic nuclei Hot gas in galaxies and in clusters of galaxies, which traces the gravitational field for determining the mass Chandra Multiwavelength Projects ( ChaMP ) Cosmic X-ray background AGN : soft X-ray detected fraction, X-ray luminosity function (XLF) Clusters : determine cluster XLF for z>0.5 , find high z cooling flow Stars : measure high & low mass end of XLF Binaries : XLFs of quiescent CVs, X-ray novae

28 Chandra Top 10 highlights
Large stellar mass black holes Black hole census Pulsar rings and jets Black hole blowback SN 2006 Gy Supernovae and supernova remnants Binary Black Holes Dark Energy Young - Sun like stars SGR A* Dark matter

29 Pulsar Rings & Jets Chandra has observed many supernovae & their remnants Crab nebular is one of the most extreme example of Chandra supernovae observation Crab nebular : explosion seen on Earth in 1054 AD At the center, a rapidly spinning neutron stars X-ray optical IR Radio

30 Pulsar Rings & Jets the first clear view of the faint boundary of X- ray emitting pulsar wind nebular bipolar jets and winds are the result of the combination of rapid rotating & strong magnetic field the inner ring : a shock front wave that marks the boundary of nebular and the inflow of matter the fingers, loops, and bays : the magnetic field of nebular & filaments of cooler matter (motion of electron & positron) references : Hester et al. 2002 Seward et al. 2006

31 Chandra Deep Field orange : 0.5 - 2 keV blue : 2 -8 keV
GOODS : Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey field For decades, large populations of AGN have been considered missing Chandra - Spitzer composite observation found hundreds of hidden AGN This indicates that the galaxies around these SMBH are heavily obscured by dust orange : keV blue : 2 -8 keV

32 Chandra Deep Field GOODS : HST + Spitzer + Chandra
References : Mainieri et al. 2005, Daddi et al. 2007

33 Hot Gas in Galaxy Cluster
Hot gas of temperature ∼ 10^8 K fills rich clusters of galaxies, and emits X-rays via thermal bremsstrahlung Gas infall rates into cluster core in excess of 100 M◉/ year However, the destination of the gas was a mystery. Star formation rates were no more than 10 M◉/ year It had been suggested that the energy from radio sources in a central cD galaxy could balance the radiative losses and stop the cooling flow

34 Hot Gas in Galaxy Cluster
Hot gas distribution from ‘Chandra’ observation also reveal the cluster merger events MACSJ : active triple merger with ICM T > 20 keV ( Ma, C et al )

35 Other Interesting Figures

36 Observation using Chandra ?
Proposal call for Cycle 13 has closed March 15, 2011 Cycle 14 & 15 will proceed in 2 years! ( March, 2012 & 2013, maybe) 4 page of Scientific Justification & Observing time scale calculation How to use Chandra data? CHASER : Chandra Archive Search & Retrieve Data (based on web) - easy download for ‘fits’ format data - Chandra Source Catalog - point & compact source catalog - contains 94,676 X-ray source information -



39 Thank you for listening!

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