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Borrowed from Mrs. Valenti’s World History Class

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1 Borrowed from Mrs. Valenti’s World History Class
Feudalism Borrowed from Mrs. Valenti’s World History Class Saddleback Valley, CA Thanks Mrs. Valenti! During the medieval period, protection and order was provided by a system known as Feudalism. Feudalism was a system of promises that governed the relationships between lords and vassals / knights. Kings Lords / Vassals / Nobles Knights

2 Kings / Monarchs Hail to the King, baby! Kings were the main rulers who were expected to keep order and provide protection. It was believed that Kings were given their right to rule by God.

3 Kings / Monarchs Kings gave land to lords, and in return, the lords agreed to provide obedience and protection. When a king went to war, lords were expected to fight for him and provide knights.

4 Kings / Monarchs Kings controlled the estates and the castles in their kingdom. Kings also received taxes from the towns in their kingdom.

5 Lords / Nobles To defend their lands, lords needed soldiers called knights. Knights needed weapons, armor, and horses, so lords gave land to the knights to support them.

6 Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody!
Lords / Nobles Lords had castles built to defend themselves against attack. The lords lived in their castles. Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody!

7 Lords / Nobles Lords were the managers and judges of the manors.
Peasants and serfs paid the lords a yearly tax to live on their manor.

8 Lords / Nobles The lords could not punish the vassals without good reason. If a lord failed to do what he was supposed to, the vassal could break all ties with him. Adios Muchachos

9 Knights / Vassals Knights were warriors who fought on horseback.
A knight who promised to support a lord in exchange for land was called a vassal. a knight with land = vassal a knight

10 Here I come to save the day.
Knights / Vassals Vassals served their lords in times of war Vassals gave money to their lords on special occasions such as weddings Vassals gave their lords food and shelter whenever they came to visit. Here I come to save the day.

11 A Knights Oath included
He would always defend a lady. He would speak only the truth. He would be loyal to his lord. He would be devoted to the church. He would be charitable and defend the poor and helpless. He would be brave. When on a quest, he would remove his armor and arms only while sleeping. He would never avoid dangerous paths out of fear. He would be on time for any engagement of arms, like a battle or tournament. Upon returning to his home or lord's court from an adventure, he would always tell of his escapades. If taken prisoner, he would give up his arms and horse to his opponent and not fight the opponent again without the opponent's consent. He would fight only one-on-one against an opponent.


13 Knights / Vassals Knights were expected to follow the code of chivalry. Chivalry was a code of honorable behavior that was supposed to promote proper behavior.



16 Siege of a Castle Conquering and capturing an enemy castle was not easy. Castle defenders would wait along the castle walls, ready to strike back. Attacking soldiers used trebuchets and siege towers on their assaults of medieval castles.





21 Feudalism Spreads Main Idea 2 Feudalism spread through most of Europe.
7.6.3 Kings Lords / Vassals / Nobles Knights

22 Feudalism Spreads Feudalism was created by the Franks, but the system spread to other countries. the Franks

23 Feudalism Spreads Frankish knights introduced feudalism into
Feudalism then spread to eastern Europe & to northern Italy, Spain, and Germany. England. Kings Lords Vassals / Knights

24 I’m going to pick a fight!!
Feudalism Spreads A French noble named William was the duke of Normandy when it decided to conquer England. The duke (William) invaded England in 1066 and became known as William the Conqueror. England

25 Red – Possessions of William the Conqueror
Blue – Governed by the King of France Normandy – where William was originally the duke

26 Feudalism Spreads Hail to the king baby! William and his men defeated the English, and William declared himself king of England. He gave his knights land in return for their loyalty. This was the beginning of feudalism in England. England Kings Lords Vassals / Knights

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