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Livelihoods Sector Coordination Group meeting (LSCG)

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Presentation on theme: "Livelihoods Sector Coordination Group meeting (LSCG)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Livelihoods Sector Coordination Group meeting (LSCG)
Introductions (5) Important update from agencies, if any(15) Review of last meeting minutes and action points(15) 3/4W template all agencies(15) Assessment of financial inclusion of refugees in northern uganda(30) Draft Livelihoods Emergency Response Strategy(30) AOB(15) 17 January 2017

2 1) Last meeting minutes and action points
Action items By whom Remark UNHCR will share the recently completed Environmental Assessment with the Group Complete and submit 3/4Ws template to UNHCR for compilation. UNHCR Agencies Shared the report Agencies are requested to complete 3/4W Share reports on implementation of livelihoods activities in Yumbe-Bidibidi. Joint Market Assessment Not Reported we need prudent communication as indicated in the TOR DCA, WV MC ACF, WV, OXFAM & SP This is An urgent request for all agencies to report back to the Inter-Agency Meeting next week DCA, World Vision and Mercy Corps  UNDP-commissioned Livelihoods-focused Needs Assessment. Report and presentation to be shared Done Core group membership Co-leads: UNHCR & UNDP Members: LWF, DRC, SP, Nsamizi, & ACF CBI presentation By WFP is ready for today WFP and LWF

3 2) 3/4WReport Template 3/4W Report to be completed for the next meeting, we need to work on same document which will be shared with the meeting minute Brief Narrative report, if possible (Yumbe Bidibidi) format will be attached Check list of LSCG Member Agencies, refine the contact list accordingly

4 LSCG meeting participants
primary focal point & Alternant format

5 3) Livelihoods Sector Core Group
Proposed 7 members on voluntary basis For more in-depth review and guidance on matters of concern to the LSCG To enhance strategic direction, planning and inclusive decision-making Designate Co-lead for the LSCG and members for the core group To be reviewed on Quarterly basis Core Group is responsible for undertaking specific tasks and review of documents among others Which agency will consistently and actively participate in the LSCG meetings will decide on the 7 members

6 Final Agreement The composition of the membership will be reviewed on Quarterly basis Co-leads: UNHCR & UNDP Members: LWF, DRC, SP, Nsamizi, & ACF

7 4) Success story and lessons learnt
Tips for Writing Success Stories What did they do and why? Not what we did for them! How did they do it, what different thing? How long did it take? What did it cost? What were the results? Is it long lasting, Sustainable? you may not be able to overcome them all, so it is important to know if this We strongly encourage for Lesson learnt presentation as well A problem tree identifies the context in which an intervention is to occur, and starts to reveal the complexity of life.

8 5) Other Sector Coordination Groups
CBI technical Working group Presentation, WFP

9 5) Next Meeting Any agency to host this meeting and take minute?

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