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MARWEN Educating and Inspiring Under-Served Youth through the Visual Arts

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Educating and Inspiring Under-Served Youth through the Visual Arts

2 History: ~ Marwen was founded in 1987 by a Chicago entrepreneur and avid art collector, Steven Berkowitz. His vision was for all Chicago youth to have access to art classes like his daughters did. He named the foundation after his daughters Marcy and Wendy. ~ Originally the program was located on one floor of an office building located in the River North Gallery district. In 2000, after raising the money through grants, Marwen moved to 833 North Orleans Street where it is located now. By renovating the building Marwen was able to create a space for students to create and excel.

3 About Marwen: ~ Marwen complements the school curriculum with arts-based after-school and weekend programs. Programs allow students to experience professional instruction and artistic practice. Students learn technical skills and have the opportunity to guide their own creative process and value the importance of art in their lives and society. Marwen places emphasis on students learning effective communication skills ranging from visual, to verbal, and written. ~ Marwen is a citywide program rather than community-based. In order to participate in programs, students must physically leave their neighborhoods. They are provided with an opportunity to reinvent themselves. Students also encounter a much more diverse peer group than they might find in Chicago’s heavily segregated neighborhoods and CPS schools. ~ Finally, a commitment to long-term relationships is central to Marwen’s mission. Students may attend courses at Marwen from sixth grade through senior year in high school, but once graduated they become a part of the alumni division.

4 Marwen programs and studenst:
~ Marwen provides Chicago youth with a centrally located, creative environment to take FREE art classes! Studenst eligible to attend Marwen’s programs must only: 1) live within the city limits of Chicago, 2) be a student in grades , ) identify themselves as being under-served (i.e. cannot afford to pay for art courses elsewhere), 4) be capable of independently making art for a duration of up to 3 hours, and 5) be self-electing to attend Marwen courses and actively participate in course activities. In addition, students may enroll in Marwen’s programs for one final summer term immediately following high school graduation. ~ Marwen students come from more than 230 schools and 59 zip codes. The student body is: 34% Latino/a, 29% African-American, 17% Caucasian, 6% Asian/Pacific Islander, and 14% multi-ethnic. Nearly 20% of students’ families have immigrated to the United States within the past five years, and 22 different languages are spoken in their homes. 

5 Teaching Artists at Marwen:
~ Professional artists, architects, designers, and other experts in the arts teach for Marwen on an independent contractor basis. Many instructors have an MFA or other related degrees and several years teaching experience. ~ Teaching artists are paid a fee for teaching time, curriculum development, and planning meetings based on a competitive hourly equivalent. There are no permanent salaried teaching artists on staff.

6 Facilities: ~ Marwen has a 15,000 square foot, three-story building with six specialized studios including a technology lab, darkroom, and ceramics studio with kiln. There is also an art library and a college and career center. The space has student and alumni exhibition galleries to display art work year-round. ~ Marwen hosts eight public exhibition openings each year; a show of students work is held after each 10 week class.

7 More Marwen Resources... student and family events such as college Info. nights and gallery openings study trips to Nyc, Maine Alumni programs, Gallery shows, Fundraisers(Paint Brush Ball), artist in residence programs, and student advisory boards College /career services and counseling

8 (informational U-tube video on Marwen site)
(informational U-tube video on Marwen site)

9 Studio classes, Paintbrush Ball, NYC scholarship trip
My Marwen Days!! Studio classes, Paintbrush Ball, NYC scholarship trip

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