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Introducing the technology

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1 Introducing the technology
DITA to XLIFF and Back Introducing the technology You probably already know what’s so good about DITA. Here’s what’s so good XLIFF, and using XLIFF for translating DITA

2 XLIFF XLIFF (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is an XML-based standard An open standard for translation Developed by representatives of all aspects of the translation industry It is easy for LSPs to process XLIFF is supported by mainstream translation tools Has standardized methods for automating workflow, translation word counts, translation memory and segmentation

3 XLIFF translation model
XLIFF supports the extract & merge paradigm, an established model for efficient translation Extract localizable strings and format information Import XLIFF strings into translation tool Source document XLIFF file Translate strings Convert XLIFF file into original format Import translated strings into XLIFF Translated document Bilingual XLIFF file

4 XLIFF translation model
Isolate the translatable text in translation units <trans-unit> <source>Hello</source> <target>Hello</target> Retain the source document’s structure External to the XLIFF file, via a skeleton file - or - Internally with <group> elements

5 How DITA, SVG and XLIFF Solve the Problem
Handing several DITA and SVG files to your LSP is inefficient – they much prefer XLIFF Their tools support XLIFF All topics and image files are consolidated into one XLIFF file Since DITA and SVG files are XML, the strings that need to be translated are accessible via XSLT It is easy to automate the tranformation from SVG and DITA to XLIFF Since XLIFF files are XML, the strings can be easily assembled into translated SVG and DITA, via XSLT

6 As part of documentation process

7 Advantages of DITA/SVG/XLIFF method
Open standards vs. proprietary solution Automated Many topics and graphics can be managed in a single XLIFF file LSPs know XLIFF and are proficient Translation Memory is easily leveraged

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