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Changes in Russia While debate of treaty was going on in Paris…

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1 Changes in Russia While debate of treaty was going on in Paris…
12) Revolution? While debate of treaty was going on in Paris… Russians in middle of civil war Many groups battled for control 1920- Vladimir Lenin and Bolsheviks had won Change name of country to Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, or USSR, or Soviet Union Set up new gov’t based on ideas of Karl Marx, a German economist Set up communism, economic system were peoples’ gov’t owns everything and profits divided equally Homes, farms, land, crops, animals, etc

2 Effects of the War on North Carolina
Changes from WWI would leave the USA forever changed 116,000 US soldiers killed Another 204,000 wounded 86,000+ NC soldiers fought in WWI 3 training camps were created in NC for US soldiers to train b4 deployment Camp Greene in Charlotte Camp Polk in Raleigh Camp Bragg near Fayetteville When the war ended, soldiers returned Told tales of places and people they had seen Gave many a new outlook on the world Became critical of conditions at home Lead to support drives for improvements w/in the state Many became more tolerant of others ideas and cultures b/c of what they saw during the war overseas 13) How is having bases in our state good for our economy? Hip Hughes Video Link hyperlinked on Camp Greene pix

3 American Heroes of WWI

4 John J. Pershing Army Commander of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) in WWI Kept American forces independent Nicknamed “Black Jack”

5 Frank Luke Army pilot “Balloon buster” because he destroyed so many reconnaissance balloons 18 aerial victories in 18 days Killed in action Medal of Honor recipient

6 Henry Johnson Army Member of Harlem Hellfighters
Fought off German attack Inflicted 121 casualties He was wounded 21 times Awarded the Croix de Guerre (French medal for bravery) No recognition from U.S. until 1996 (he passed away in 1929)

7 Charles Whittlesey Army Commander of the Lost Battalion
Only 194 of nearly 600 survived the battle Awarded the Medal of Honor Committed suicide in 1921

8 Edouard Izac U.S. Navy Taken prisoner by German U-boat after U.S.S. Lincoln was torpedoed Escaped P.O.W. camp Last Medal of Honor recipient from WWI before he passed away in 1990

9 Dan Daly Marine 2 time Medal of Honor recipient (Boxer Rebellion and Haiti) Awarded Navy Cross for actions at Belleau Wood Shouted as he led the attack, “Come on you SOBs, do you want to live forever?” Single handedly took out an enemy machine gun nest

10 John J. Kelly Marine Awarded 2 Medals of Honor (Army and Navy)
Ran 100 yards in front of line to attack machine gun nest Killed 2 Germans Took 8 prisoners

11 Alvin York U.S. Army Sharpshooter From Tennessee
Led 7 soldiers (after all the officers were killed) to attack German position Killed 25 Germans Captured 132 Germans

12 Sgt. Stubby Pitbull terrier Stray that wondered into Army camp at Yale
Pvt. Robert Conroy smuggled him to Europe Warned of gas attacks Attacked a German solider Wounded in action Comforted soldiers

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