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HURT 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s URBAN Teenagers Chap Clark

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Presentation on theme: "HURT 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s URBAN Teenagers Chap Clark"— Presentation transcript:

1 HURT 2.0: Inside the World of Today’s URBAN Teenagers Chap Clark
Professor of Youth, Family and Culture

2 HURT 2.0: It’s been a ride, started in a school…

3 HURT 2.0: t’s been a ride, started in a school…
and has continued to drive me

4 Review for some, new for others…

5 Growing up starts young…

6 When is someone an “adult”?
Why I got into this… “The HURT guy” Development and youth ministry… When is someone an “adult”? What does this mean for many urban kids?

7 Understanding growing up…
Individuation and the Three Tasks of Adolescence Individuation: The process of becoming a unique person Identity – Who am I? Autonomy – POWER Autonomy – Do I matter? Belonging – Does anybody care?

8 Understanding growing up…
The overall process Timing and duration

9 Timing and Duration Puberty Culture Pre-1900 14.5 16 1970-1980s 13
18/20 11/12 mid-20s Today

10 The overall process Timing and duration Changing Stages
Understanding growing up… The overall process Timing and duration Changing Stages

11 Changing Stages 1930s-1990s Independent Dependent Interdependent 14-15
13 18-20 Dependent Interdependent

12 Teenage brain “If you think of the teenage brain as a car, today's adolescents acquire an accelerator a long time before they can steer and brake.” - WSJ, What’s wrong with the teenage mind?“ Alison Gopnik, January 28, 2012

13 Changing Stages 1990s-2000s Independent Dependent Interdependent 14-15
19-21 12 mid-20s Dependent Interdependent

14 Changing Stages Independent Emerging Adulthood Dependent
mid2000-Today Independent 14-15 19-21 12 mid-20s early-30s? Emerging Adulthood J. J. Arnett Dependent Interdependent

15 Society’s response to kids
Understanding growing up… The overall process Timing and duration Changing Stages Society’s response to kids

16 I. The History and Trajectory of Youth Ministry
Adults and kids



19 Urban Kids have been abandoned
An overview of research on kids: What data shows us… Adolescence itself has changed Urban Kids have been abandoned Less adult support for kids More stress, pain than ever

20 Across the board, this is the MOST STRESSED generation in history
How kids have responded to ABANDONMENT Across the board, this is the MOST STRESSED generation in history

21 Cultural reality? An exponential loss of Social Capital from those who are necessary in the lives of our kids

22 From fragmentation to atomization



25 How kids have responded to ABANDONMENT
The Cost:

26 They live out of multiple identities
all How kids have responded to ABANDONMENT They live out of multiple identities

27 The “successful” kids learn to adapt
all How kids have responded to ABANDONMENT The “successful” kids learn to adapt

28 all How kids have responded to ABANDONMENT Peers and friendships

29 What a child needs: 1. Family Influence 2. Healthy Attachment
Response to URBAN HURTing Kids What a child needs: 1. Family Influence 2. Healthy Attachment

30 What every kid needs: Family Influence Family Safety and Stability
14-15 19-21 12 mid-20s Family Safety and Stability

31 Paternal Style Attachment
What every kid needs: Family Influence 14-15 19-21 12 mid-20s Hope Communal Attachment Comfort Paternal Style Attachment GentlenessMaternal Style Attachment Family Safety and Stability

32 For most there are holes in the net…
Childhood Attachment Youth Professional Community Attachment Family Safety and Stability

33 5 to 1 Project: A Community for Every Kid
For most there are holes in the net… Youth Professional Family Friend Ext Family Childhood Attachment Community Attachment Small Group Teacher/ Coach Family Safety and Stability 5 to 1 Project: A Community for Every Kid

34 HURT 2.0: Caring for today’s kids:
Changing how we do what we do to Serve and love in today’s culture

35 HURT 2.0: What is life like for urban kids today?
(Overview of the Research) What are their most basic needs? (Overview of Development) What is our response? (Overview of Response)

36 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response: Extended adolescence
To find a safe place to land Ministry Response: Biblical discipleship vs. shaming and manipulation

37 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response: Lack of Social Capital
Supportive adults and systems Ministry Response: Trained (and committed) volunteer leaders

38 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response: Weirdness of adaptation
Empowered to explore life Ministry Response: Provide voice and opportunities

39 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response: Morality? Really… Morals??
Find a moral compass Ministry Response: Recast ethical teaching (Modeling)

40 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response: (Kids) At the Margins
Broader exposure/life experience Ministry Response: Invite to agency in kingdom

41 Life Today: Basic Needs: Ministry Response:
The REAL SCOOP on lasting faith Basic Needs: To embrace their own spiritual journey Ministry Response: Move toward adoption as the goal of youth ministry

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