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Chris Williams Birmingham 13th October 2016

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1 Chris Williams Birmingham 13th October 2016
Annual Conference 2016 Chris Williams Birmingham 13th October 2016

2 Personal Former history and General Studies teacher 1973-2007;
Senior leadership in large secondary non-selective school ; International School Award Accreditation continuously since 1999; Comenius, Erasmus +, Connecting Classrooms; Semi-retired since 2007; Working for former school as part-time consultant and archivist; retained by other Lincolnshire schools; employed by other groups such as Global Learning Association; British Council as Ambassador and short contracts; local authorities e.g. Amasya, Turkey and Tangshan, China

3 1.The experience of ‘going again’ as a GLP Expert Centre
– Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School – home turf through feeder family – Coningsby Primary – personal connection – Connecting Classrooms link – Grimoldby Primary – personal connection – colleague’s promotion 2017 – Boston GS – personal connection through ISA Lincolnshire context: Many points similar to other areas! many small, isolated, rural schools with poor public transport; no local authority engagement; twilight clashes with school events; BREXIT - growing influence. See June 23rd voting patterns – NEXT SLIDE


5 Recruitment strategies
These include recruiting anyone who shows the slightest glimmer of interest; making block registrations for multi-academy trusts where possible; using all connections from previous work e.g. as CfBT adviser; Offering bespoke sessions to anyone who registers

6 Workshop strategies (1/2)
basic premise: less time now needed for preparation when “going again”, therefore more time for mobility; flexible scheduling e.g. mirrored sessions; e.g. duplication and special requests e.g. “GLP Lite” for whole staff of one school, tailored meetings for small clusters; e.g. alternative venues such as a nature reserve listening to the customers’ current needs when planning the later sessions – Population, Rights Respecting Schools, British Values, Water, SDGs; UNCRC;

7 Workshop strategies (2/2)
constant focus on “Poverty and Development”, “Globalisation and Interdependence” and “Images and Perceptions” through laminated reminders; immediately after all twilights, the materials are ed to ALL registered schools in cluster every session has section on “This week’s news and GLP” >>>>> NEXT SLIDE

8 “This week’s news and GLP” - example

9 What and where ?

10 What and where ?

11 What and where ?

12 ‘Poverty and Development’ ? ‘Images and Perception’ ?

13 2. Building on British Council work
focus on registration and application for International School Award (ISA) at Foundation level;

14 2. Building on British Council work
A school applying for the Foundation Certificate will be preparing to do international work and in doing so will have: Introduced internationalism (EXAMPLE ON SLIDE) Conducted at least one international activity (see below) (EXAMPLE ON SLIDE) Prepared to establish an international partnership forming the foundation for future international collaborative work

15 ISA (Foundation) – example summary
“Leafy Green Primary School is located in a rural area with a largely white British population. We have now one Polish family with three children, but on the whole the school is isolated from day to day contact with the increasing diversity of UK society. We have been a participant in the Global Learning Programme since April 2016 and some new themes are now embedded in our curriculum. To support our growing commitment to internationalism, we have appointed an International Coordinator and drafted an International Policy. We are planning to elect International Representatives from each class to encourage pupil participation At the time of this application (October 2016) Leafy Green Primary is seeking partnership with a school in France to support our KS2 MFL lessons and bring another dimension to our understanding of cultural diversity. We are also currently seeking a link with an urban UK school having a wider cultural mix so that our children can develop an increased awareness and understanding of different identities”

16 ISA (Foundation) – example activity (1/2)
Leafy Green Primary School: “Activities: As part of their Rainforests topic in the autumn term (2015), the children had learnt about where certain foods come from e.g. cocoa beans. They learnt about the inequality of pay by playing a fair trade game, Banana Split, which was adapted for cocoa beans. They had the opportunity to discuss and debate what a fair wage for all would look like. They then learnt about how the fair trade premium helps to support the workers. Finally, they baked (and ate) a chocolate cake using Fair Trade chocolate. Then, in the Spring term (2016), they extended this curriculum work by whole school involvement in Fairtrade fortnight”

17 ISA (Foundation) – example activity (2/2)
Aims and Outcomes: Aims: to study rainforests and consider the chain through which tropical products reach us; to develop an awareness of how Fairtrade works and what it is; to make fuller use of GLP resources on ‘Poverty and Development’ to make their own decisions about fairness and recognise that at present the larger companies are exploiting the workers in developing countries. Outcomes: The children have had the opportunity to consider how they could become more responsible citizens and have a better awareness of the difficulties faced by people in other countries. They now recognise that they do have a voice and that people are working hard to make the world a fairer place, and the importance in this. Everyone had fun with the food, and then the more serious side of thinking about the issues; School Council discussed concepts of charity and collaboration Evaluation Evidence: Photos and website; pupil questionnaires (before and after); staff questionnaires (after); transcripts of pupil interviews

18 2. Building on British Council work
After Foundation ISA has been achieved ... use of personal, local and official links to find partners, if asked, leading eventually to Intermediate ISA; encouragement for eTwinning for simple projects (Europe only); Connecting Classrooms and Erasmus+ come later;

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