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Southeast Regional Library Funding

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2 Southeast Regional Library Funding
Provincial funding pays for: Municipality/fundraising pays for: New materials (books, DVDs, video games, etc.) Weekly van delivery E-resources (ebooks, Hoopla, etc.) Payroll system HQ staff (7FT, 1PT ) Computers Processing and cataloguing Vehicles (gas, insurance, maintenance, replacement) Provincial program coordination (Summer Reading Club, makerspace kits, literacy kits, etc.) Library Building (mortgage, utilities, insurance, janitorial, maintenance, renovations) Branch staff salaries SILS fees Office supplies Advertising and promotions Additional library materials Local programming (storytime, book clubs, author readings, etc.)

3 What does the loss of $565,000 mean to Southeast Regional Library?
2016 Provincial Grant: $961,723 2017 Provincial Grant: $396,230 Difference: $565,493 Spent as of Mar 31 on operations: $230,000 Spent as of Mar 31 on materials: $40,000 Total spent as of Mar 31: $270,000 Funds remaining for Apr-Dec 2017: $126,230 of Provincial Grant $230,000 of Sustainability Reserves as Apr 1 Total: $356,230. Amended monthly budget: $39,581

4 From this…

5 To this...

6 What does an increase of $0.00 look like?

7 What does an increase of $3.35 look like?
Savings Limited trustee and executive expenses $10,900 No honoraria’s for executive members $ 3,800 Retirement of Director $12,000 Two FT staff positions at HQ $66,600 Limited staff professional development or travel $ 6,500 Janitorial, cleaners, alarm system & other operating expenses $14,000 Limited office equipment and supplies $ 6,600 Supplies for books materials $ 1,500 Reduced telephone HQ $ 1,650 Reduced funds for our staff workshops $ 4,000 Unplating two vehicles (fuel and maintenance) $ 8,000 Reduced postage $ 1,800 E-services (except Flipster) $50,000 Total Savings $187,350

8 Savings from HQ = $187,350 Loss from the Provincial Government = $565,000 $3.35 from Municipalities = $314, (based on pop. 93,851 Reserves = $ 63,249.15


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