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Maha Abdelgaffar Gamal Abdo

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1 Maha Abdelgaffar Gamal Abdo
Impacts of Climate Change/Variability on the livelihoods of the pastoral Communities Study Case: Al Tadamon Locality Blue Nile State, Sudan Maha Abdelgaffar Gamal Abdo

2 Pastoralism Pastoralism in Sudan is a traditional way of life. It is a product of climatic and environmental factors that has become a form of natural resources use and management. It is increasingly affected by the change in temperature, shifts in rainy seasons and intense rains.

3 Location, Ethnic background& Economic activities
Al Tadamon Locality lies within the Blue Nile State. Area is estimated to be Km2 Population is estimated to be The locality hosts 45 different ethnic groups Economic activity is mainly subsistence agriculture and pastoralism. Recently gold mining and other mineral exploitation.

4 Natural Resources Most of the vegetation at the area is formed of Shrub savannah, Herbaceous crops, shrub land and shrub land. Small ephemeral streams are found in the area. Ground water is found at depth ranging from 10 to 17 meters Wild life is represented by large mammals, reptiles and big birds. Part of the study area is protected by the RAMSAR agreement for wetlands.

5 Problem statement The possible impacts of Climate change/variability on the livelihoods of pastoralists in the area and adaptation methods.

6 Objectives To identify changes in the natural resources existing at the area in relation to climate change/variability and related impacts on the livelihoods of the pastoralists at the study area.

7 Materials & Methods A field based cross sectional investigation was conducted in the period between Jan. and Mar. 2017, using two sets of data:- Primary data, using predesigned questionnaires, personal observations and focus group discussions. Secondary data including readings of metadata of the period of time extending from 1948 till 2016, (source Meteorological station at Agadi- Al Tadamon locality, Blue Nile State).

8 Significance& Justification
This study is very important not only for the Blue Nile State but for the whole country as the question of climate change/variability impacts on the lives of people and their understanding to it will change future prospection to traditional herding and agriculture as economic activities. Therefore will inspire policy makers, development practitioners and active groups to develop new vision for future plans and strategies regarding livestock and agriculture.



11 Findings & Discussion Present indicators of climate variability
Resources and communities existence is sensitive to the capacity to adapt to changes in resources. Seasonal movement southwards was affected as the rainy season became shorter. There is a strong relationship between climate variability and personal income( decrease of animal number and by products). Over 96% heard about climate variability from community radios. The only known coping mechanism in the area is do minor jobs in near towns or migration to nearby countries.

12 The X axis show the number of people know change and Y is the percent
Pppppppppppp The X axis is the personal income & Y is number of people affected The X axis show the number of people know change and Y is the percent

13 The figure reflects on its X axis the y types of coping mechanism used by the community to adapt with the climate change and the Y axis is its percentage The X axis show the number of people who practice alternative jobs and Y is the percent

14 Figure 6: show on its X axis the number of people agreed on the effects of climate change on their seasonal movement and Y axis is their percentage

15 X axis are the sustainable options as suggested by focus group and Y axis its percentage

16 Recommendations Provision of water sources and rehabilitation of rangeland represent the sustainable solutions to cope with climate variability. Improve awareness regarding climate variability/change based on the local knowledge to sustain traditional livelihoods.


18 Thank You

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