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Distributed Network Codes

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Network Codes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Network Codes
Universal and Robust Lingxiao Xia Sidharth Jaggi Svitlana Vyetrenko Tracey Ho

2 Prob(Error) < |E| |T| |F| / q
Distributed NCs [HKMKE03] Alice: Sends packets. Bob gets (Each column encoded with same transform T) Now Bob knows T and can decode. A “Small” rate-loss C packets X I TX T B2 Prob(Error) < |E| |T| |F| / q Network Configs Edges Sinks Field size

3 Example of limitations
Infinite graph! [Wu10] Prob(Error) < ∞ ∞ ∞/q NC distributed storage [DRWS11]

4 Toy idea . . . X α1X α2α1X α3α2α1X αk…α3α2α1X αi from {0,1,…,q}
Pr(Y=0|X≠0)<Σk1/q=k/q Large k…  αi from {0,1,…,2iq} Pr(Y=0|X≠0)<Σk1/(2iq)=1/q Large k…  NOT Finite-field NC, but Integer NC, or Convolutional NC

5 (Generalized) SZ Lemma
SZ Lemma: If αi uniformly chosen from S in F Pr(P(α1,α2,…,αk)=0)≤d/|S| Polynomial Degree of polynomial GSZ Lemma: If αi uniformly chosen from Si in F Pr(P(α1,α2,…,αk)=0)≤Σidi/|Si| Degree of variables

6 |T1||T2|…|Tt| = P(α1,α2,…) nonzero
Universal codes X Code good |T1||T2|…|Tt| = P(α1,α2,…) nonzero αi Σidi/|Si| Geometric series? 1. Which Si to use?  # Nodes Y1=T1X . . . Yt=TtX 2. What’s di?  # Terminals

7 “Similar” sized network
Universal codes ~[LSB05] “Similar” sized network Only need to code 1. (i) Estimate depth D distributedly [BLS07] Only ~ 2D nodes at depth D (Roughly) (ii) Choose |Si| >> 2D (say 23D) # Σidi/|Si| = ΣDΣi at DdD/23D ≤ ΣD2DdD/23D=ΣDdD/22D 2. Bound number of “types of sinks”+ at each D = ΣD2D/22D=o(1)…! Only ~ 2D “types” at depth D (Roughly) * A couple slides later # 3 slides later + Next slide

8 # types of “flow-sets” of
+ Types of sinks X Actually… D # types of “flow-sets” of depth at most D ~ 2RD Y1=T1X Yt=TtX Y1=T1X

9 * Robust universal codes

10 # Complexity bounds ~ 2D  1. Only ~ D bits… 2. Provable lower bound…

11 Zero-error codes Rate-2 codes, low complexity
General codes, high complexity

12 Summary Randomized Distributed Robust Rate-optimal Poly-time
Matches complexity lower bounds Deterministic Rate 2 – low complexity General – high complexity

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