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Prototyping Home Automation Concepts

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1 Prototyping Home Automation Concepts
Class 3: Home Temperature and Humidity Monitoring December 14, Don Wilcher

2 Home Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
Topics IoT and Remote Sensing Techniques for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Remote Sensing Definition Remote Sensing Technique Example IoT-Remote Sensing Temperature and Humidity Monitoring Example Circuits: A Maker’s Perspective Hands-On Project: Home Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

3 IoT and Remote Sensing Techniques for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation Source:

4 Remote Sensing Technique
Traditional method of Remote Sensing. Source:

5 IoT - Remote Sensing Technique

6 IoT- Remote Sensing Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
IoT- Remote Temperature and Humidity Monitoring.

7 Question 1 Name a free cloud service that Makers can use with the IoT- Remote Temperature and Humidity Monitoring system presented in slide 6.

8 Example Circuits: A Maker’s Perspective…
Temperature Detection circuit The circuit can be used for a High/Low temperature monitoring and detection.

9 Temperature Detection Circuit: A Maker’s Perspective
(NTC) Thermistor Basics . Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) Thermistor Curve .

10 Example Circuits: A Maker’s Perspective…
Temperature Detection circuit: Circuit Analysis Vin_3 = VCC x R3/(R3 + NTC1)

11 Question 2 Determine Vin_3.

12 Example Circuits: A Maker’s Perspective…
Humidity Detection circuit Source: Humidity Sensor acts as variable capacitor

13 Question 3 The humidity sensor acts like: a buffer a variable resistor
a variable capacitor None of the above

14 Hands-On Project: Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit

15 Hands-On Project Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit
Project Objectives: Learn about the GrovePi+ Shield Architecture Review of electrical connectors and ports Build a Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit

16 Hands-On Project… Source:

17 Hands-On Project… Source:

18 Question 4 What device for the Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit is attached to the IC2 port on the GrovePi+ shield?

19 Hands-On Project… GrovePi+ Shield: Electrical Connectors
Circuit Schematic Diagram

20 Temperature –Humidity Monitoring Unit Block Diagram
Hands-On Project… Temperature –Humidity Monitoring Unit Block Diagram

21 Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit Parts:
Hands-On Project: Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit Parts: GrovePi+ Board & Raspberry Pi RGB LCD and 4 Conductor Jumper wire Temperature – Humidity Sensor and 4 Conductor Jumper wire

22 Temperature-Humidity Wiring Diagram
Hands-On Project… Temperature-Humidity Wiring Diagram

23 Hands-On Project… Project Build Complete

24 Hands-On Project… Temperature – Humidity Monitoring Unit Python Code

25 Hands-On Project…
Temperature-Humidity Monitoring Unit can be obtained from Dexter Industries github site:

26 Question 5 In the code, what python instruction is used LCD color?

27 Hands-On Project… Open LXTerminal on the Raspberry Pi desktop and type the following directory and file commands to run the Python Home_Weather_Display code.

28 Hands-On Project… Python Home_Weather_Display code displaying temperature and humidity data on the RGB LCD.

29 Hands-On Project… Python Home_Weather_Display code displaying temperature and humidity data on a smartphone.

30 Hands-On Project… Congratulations!

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