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Summer Term Topic Reception Shirley

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1 Summer Term Topic Reception Shirley
SOUTHFIELD PRIMARY Stay & Play Every other Friday morning Books changes Every Monday – please ensure reading records are in school everyday and that they are signed. PE Kits In school all week CHILDREN Read, little and often everyday Talk about numbers, shapes, time and money everywhere you go. Practice phonics and tricky words Write a short sentence Take notice of the changes in the environment. Do the trees look the same? What is the weather like? Summer Term Topic Reception Shirley Am I the fastest? HOW YOU CAN HELP Parents Encourage reading in all shapes and forms, comics, shop signs and bedtime stories Count everything you can, forward, backward and say one more one less. Encourage thinking skills, allow children to find their own way of solving a problem. Encourage curiosity, ask questions yourself and your child will want to find the answer! Encourage writing and drawing in all varieties, pencil chalk, paint… Play games with HF words and CVC words to build confidence. Learning Websites Teacher Mrs A Shirley T.A Miss E Parnaby

2 Expressive Arts and Design Communication and Language
Maths Use mathematical language like ‘more than’, ‘less than’ to explore the concept of adding and subtracting. Investigate and practice weighing and estimating skills. Use breakfast items to compare amounts and totals. Knowledge of the World Think of all the different ways we can keep our bodies fit and healthy. What things are fast, what things are slow. Knowing that earth is part of our solar system. Expressive Arts and Design Space art. • Acting out our stories. • Use modelling material to create items for our space station. Exploring the different ways we can express ourselves through dance and movement. Communication and Language Investigate objects that move fast and slow, experiment and investigate whether we can get things to move faster or slower. Discuss sports day, what will it be like? Generate questions to explore as a point of interest. Talk about different types of sports and sporting events in our country and around the world. Talk about the memorable experience. What did they enjoy? How did they feel? What does it mean to take part? Talk about teams and positions in racing and sporting events. Physical Development Uses a pencil and holds it effectively to form recognisable letters, most of which are correctly formed. Through dance and games, experiment with different ways of moving, negotiating space successfully Throwing, catching, kicking and moving with a ball PSED Explains own knowledge and understanding, and asks appropriate questions of others. English – Reading Become immersed in books, talking about the story and making predictions. Explore the fable, The tortoise and the hare. In guided reading, can segment the sounds in simple words and blend them together and knows which letters represent some of them. Begin to know HF words by sight. English – Writing Write captions and sentences to support pictures from our sporting event. Use our phonic knowledge to create sport/game rules. Make a plan of an obstacle course and label the equipment used.

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