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Telemetry Principles Zankhana Mehta.

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Presentation on theme: "Telemetry Principles Zankhana Mehta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telemetry Principles Zankhana Mehta

2 block diagram of telemetry system

3 Types of Telemetry System
According to Energy Medium Pneumatic, Hydraulic According to Electrical Current, Voltage Pulse According to Signal Type Analog, Digital

4 Pneumatic Telemetry

5 Advantages High effectiveness High durability and reliability
Simple design High adaptability to harsh environment Safety Easy selection of speed and pressure Environmental friendly

6 Disadvantages Relatively low accuracy Low loading
Processing required before use Uneven moving speed Noise

7 Hydraulic Telemetry

8 Advantages It gives more power than pneumatic systems.
Its reliable to operate.

9 Disadvantages Slower motion than pneumatic. Complex construction.
Leakage of oil problem More maintenance than pneumatics

10 Current telemetry

11 Current telemetry

12 Voltage Telemetry

13 Pulse Telemetry

14 Pulse Modulation

15 According to Signal Type
Analog Telemetry System: If the information in the form of current, voltage, Possion, frequency than the system is called analog system

16 According to Signal Type..
Digital Telemetry System: If the information is transmited in the form of pulses than the system is called Digital telemetry system

17 Compare the merits and demerits of Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Telemetry

18 Compare the merits and demerits of Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Telemetry…..

19 Standard output ranges of all types of telemetry systems
Current : 4-20 mA Voltage : 0-24 V Pressure : 3-15 psi

20 Thank You!!!!

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