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Habits of Mind Use Knowledge Meaningfully Extend and Refine Knowledge

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Presentation on theme: "Habits of Mind Use Knowledge Meaningfully Extend and Refine Knowledge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Habits of Mind Use Knowledge Meaningfully Extend and Refine Knowledge
Acquire and Integrate Knowledge Attitudes and Perceptions

2 Attitudes & Perceptions
About Classroom Climate Feel accepted by teachers and peers Experience a sense of comfort and order About Classroom Tasks Perceive tasks as valuable and interesting Believe they have the ability and resources to complete tasks Understand and be clear about tasks

3 How Might These Behaviors Affect Attitudes and Perceptions
The teacher asks a student how his baseball game went the previous weekend. The teacher describes what a project might look like when completed. The student comes early to school to clean out her desk. The teacher places beanbag chairs in the classroom for students to use while reading. The teacher posts classroom rules and procedures on a chart. The student reminds himself that even if he becomes a professional athlete he’ll need math skills. The teacher organizes students into cooperative groups. The teacher describes how the information students are learning might be useful in their day-to-day lives.

4 Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions
ABOUT CLASSROOM CLIMATE Help students understand that attitudes and perceptions related to classroom climate influence learning. Establish a relationship with each student in the class. Monitor and attend to your own attitudes. Engage in equitable and positive classroom behavior. Recognize and provide for students’ individual differences. Respond positively to students’ incorrect responses or lack of response. Vary the positive reinforcement offered when students give the correct response. Structure opportunities for students to work with peers. Provide opportunities for students to get to know and accept each other. Help students develop their ability to use their own strategies for gaining acceptance from their teachers and peers. Frequently and systematically use activities that involve physical movement. Introduce the concept of “bracketing”. Establish and communicate classroom rules and procedures. Be aware of malicious teasing or threats inside or outside of the classroom and take steps to stop such behavior. Have students identify their own standards for comfort and order.

5 Helping Students Develop Positive Attitudes and Perceptions
ABOUT CLASSROOM TASKS Help students understand that learning is influenced by attitudes and perceptions related to classroom tasks. Establish a sense of academic trust. Help students understand how specific knowledge is valuable. Use a variety of ways to engage students in classroom tasks. Create classroom tasks that relate to students’ interests and goals. Provide appropriate feedback. Teach students to use positive self-talk. Help students recognize that they have the abilities to complete particular task. Help students understand that believing in their ability to complete a task includes believing that they have the ability to get the help and the resources needed. Help students be clear about the directions and demands of the task. Provide students with clarity about the knowledge that the task addresses. Provide students with clear expectations of performance levels for tasks.

6 Vary Your Response to Students’ Incorrect Answers
What is the most frequently broken bone in the body? (The clavicle - collar bone). Spell broccoli. What do you call a baby rabbit? (A kitten). What is the name of the first shot in a billiards game? (The break). What is Queen Elizabeth’s surname? (Windsor)

7 Vary Your Response to Students’ Incorrect Answers
The city of Singapore is in what country? (Singapore). What is the second tallest mountain in the world? (K2 - next to Mt Everest). How many items are in a gross? (144). What book did Ken Kesey write that was turned into an Oscar Award-winning movie? (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest). Spell Albuquerque

8 Vary Your Response to Students’ Incorrect Answers
The city of Singapore is in what country? (Singapore). What is the second tallest mountain in the world? (K2 - next to Mt Everest). How many items are in a gross? (144). What book did Ken Kesey write that was turned into an Oscar Award-winning movie? (One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest). Spell Albuquerque

9 Vary Your Response to Students’ Correct Answers
Explain at least one cause of the Civil War. Solve the following: 3 x ÷ 2 = Identify an influential author (or scientist, artist, or athlete) of the 20th century and explain in what way he or she was influential. What is censorship? _____ is to a tree as _______ is to a person. Complete this analogy. Try not to use the most obvious relationship, such as, “Branch is to tree as arm is to person”

10 Jigsaw Assignments Perceive Tasks as Valuable and Interesting. Read strategies 2 - 5, pages Then read the first classroom example, page 37 - Mr. Snow. Believe They Have the Ability and Resources to Complete Tasks. Read strategies 6 - 9, pages The read second classroom example, page 37 - Mrs. Fitzsimmons. Understand and Be Clear About Tasks. Read strategies , pages The read the third classroom example, pages Mr. Young.

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