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Sheng- Hung Chang (Angus)

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1 Studying Abroad Experience Sharing- University of North Carolina in Greensboro
Sheng- Hung Chang (Angus) Foreign Language and Applied Linguistics Dept. Duration- 2010Fall till 2011 Spring

2 Motivation Why do you want to apply studying abroad program?
What is your goal for studying abroad? What do you want to learn and how does it relate to your life? What are the requirements for applying? THINK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS BEFORE ACTION

3 HOW TO APPLY Is international affairs office the first priority that can answer your questions? Ans: Depends……I would say, find your own answers as possible as you can before asking. Do I need to have super great English ability for apply? Ans: Ideally, you do! But if you can’t reach the bottom line but getting close, TRY IT!! Just don’t give up!! You have no idea if God will be on your side, lucky man!

4 Attitude It’s not just about studying abroad; it’s about making peaceful communication with internationals and let others see Taiwan! The truth is- studying undergraduate is not an easy task in the states, you need to know it! It might be harder than senior high in Taiwan if you study seriously. Knowing your own goals is really important! You want high grade? Or experience? Or…others.

5 Attitude Get rid of all you know about this world; you will be much happier and learn more while studying abroad. Don’t let your original cultural background stock your brain. Always be open-minded toward any possibility! There are tons of things we don’t know about this world!! Be humble and respectful to the world, you will receive the same thing back to your heart.

6 Reborn Stereotype is the most horrible thing among intercultural communication. You don’t need it while talking to internationals, people would piss you off. Nothing is better or worse. Everything has its own value. Everyone is perfect. Take it as an exploration of yourself. Try to find the real you while studying abroad. That’s the best time to know yourself.

7 Cultural shock Yes, you will definitely have different kinds of cultural shocks once you get there. It will remain all the time!! Some of them are fine, some of them are really hard to overcome. Give yourself some time to fit in the culture. Don’t need to push yourself on your English ability. You need to believe that everything will be better and fine by time. Try whatever you are interested in, but stay away those would commit crime.

8 Worries Is English the most important element for studying abroad? Ans: Definitely NOT! English is just a tool for communication. All of the internationals are foreign English speaker, don’t look down on yourself! Even though your English is not good enough to understand 100 %, it doesn’t matter! You just need to catch 80%, that’s way enough.

9 Cost Each semester you need to pay housing fee and meal plan fee. Housing fee- would be about 1500 per semester, depending on which type you live. Meal plan- there are many types of meal plan. I would suggest choose unlimited for the first semester, because you don’t know where else you can get food. Once you get to know school better, you can switch into cheaper one.

10 cost Basically the total cost of a semester would be under $3500. The rest of the cost depends on personal consuming hobbits. Generally speaking, you won’t spend too much money in Greensboro. It’s not a big city but nor a country side. It’s a beautiful places for studying and experience southern American life!


12 Friendship will be so unforgettable


14 Winter freezing!!!

15 Welcome to uncg!!

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