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The Life of a Cell.

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1 The Life of a Cell

2 Cells have a lifecycle Cells have a beginning to their life
Cells are alive and do specific jobs. Cells reproduce. Cells age. Cells die. Some cells commit suicide (apoptosis)

3 Cell Cycle: A cell’s life cycle

4 1. Interphase a. G1 phase (The longest phase of the cell cycle)
Cell grows larger Performing cell functions (doing its job)

5 b. S phase (S=synthesis)
DNA Replication (copying DNA)

6 Why do we need identical copies?
Each new cell needs the same DNA information as the original cell or it won’t function properly Replication MITOSIS

7 So what do chromosomes look like after replication?
BEFORE AFTER Chromosome and its copy Single chromosomes

8 c. G2 phase Performing cell functions (doing its job)

9 What does a cell in interphase look like?
Animal Cell Plant Cell

10 Steps of Mitosis Steps of Mitosis Prophase Metaphase Anaphase

11 Prophase “P”- preparing
You can’t see chromosomes here Just 2 nucleoli In prophase, DNA wraps into chromosomes (you now begin to see chromosomes- they will look like thick fingers) Now you can see dark fingers These are chromosomes

12 Nuclear membrane starts to disappear

13 Metaphase When you think Meta think Middle!
Chromosomes line up in center of cell

14 Anaphase “A”- apart The chromosomes and their copies separate
The chromosomes move to opposite sides of cells

15 Telophase Nucleus return Chromosomes unwrap

16 Cytokinesis Cytoplasm divides

17 Interphase and Mitosis in Plant Cells

18 So here is the complete cell cycle

19 Mitosis in Animal Cells
The following is an animation of a real animal cell undergoing mitosis Can you tell when the real cell hits the various stages or do they seem to blend into each other? Mitosis: An Interactive Animation

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