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Angela Byrd-Wright, Principal

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1 Angela Byrd-Wright, Principal
Visible Teaching & Learning at Work: CIA Resident Experts Professional Development Series at Lindsay Middle School Angela Byrd-Wright, Principal Lindsay Middle School Hampton City Schools June 2016

2 CIA PD –Training & Implementation
YEAR-LONG INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Resident Experts provide on-going professional development sessions throughout the year to reinforce the laser focus of CIA. PD sessions were held after school for an hour (4 – 5 pm). A link through Google Drive is provided to sign-up prior to each session. An evaluation was provided after each session to help plan for future sessions and to continue to build capacity of facilitators and instructional staff. YEAR-LONG LEADERSHIP PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: The Instructional Leadership Team and CIA Resident Experts engaged in a book study: to make connections between student engagement performance indicators, our planning, our instruction, and our assessments; to better inform and to reflect on our practice as educators; to align our work with the focus of our School Learning Plan Indicators (VA05, VB08, and VC03) CONCLUSION: Based on evaluations collected in the first year, teachers and CIA Resident Experts expressed a continuation of the CIA PD series this year as it has been empowering to facilitators and to staff hearing how to make observable changes to enhance their instruction, rigor, and assessments. Our CIA PD has now been recognized at the local, regional, and national level.

3 How the Instructional Leadership/CIA RE Team incorporated the book study into our current work…
During PLC Team Meetings, Instructional Leaders, engage their departments in a dialogue of posed reflection questions to help guide future planning, instruction, and assessment practices. They add questions that support the dialogue during the discussion. CIA Resident Experts provide specific quotes in which to extend into their professional development sessions. CIA RE’s also found and used any other content within the text that is applicable to their research and development.

4 CIA/Instructional Leadership Team Professional Development – Example Book Study Reflection Questions

5 CIA Professional Development – Results
Unconventional teaching methods started to take place. For example, iMovies, iMagazines, performance-based assessments, engaging in debates, etc. Classrooms moved from 80% teacher talk to reciprocal teaching or flipped classrooms, where the teachers acted as true facilitators of learning, while the students managed the flow and direction of their learning, while intently being focused on their work or task presented. Intentionality in planning, instructional delivery, and hands-on applications to extend learning experiences. Indicative of the results of professional development reflected by Thomas Guskey’s work, CIA represented transcendence to Level 5 as classroom roles shifted to students truly taking charge of their learning and significant student achievement gains. This continual professional development is reflective of Visible Learning Mindframes – #1 – Evaluating the effect of teaching on student learning. #3 – Talk more about learning than teaching. Teacher professional growth and leading professional development through teacher collaboration/teaming.

6 Interactive and engaging conversations

7 Support and collaboration

8 Intentionality in planning

9 Technology used to enhance students’ learning!

10 Rich dialogue and role-play of student conversations centered around content.

11 Discussions about student surveys to get feedback to steer instructional delivery!

12 All sessions, articles, and supporting documents are shared on Google Drive for any time access to strategies!







19 LMS CIA Resident Experts Team

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