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Learning Is Our Goal: Helping Faculty Embed Evidence-Based Practices into Their Classes ……………… Melinda Messineo, Associate Professor Department of Sociology,

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Is Our Goal: Helping Faculty Embed Evidence-Based Practices into Their Classes ……………… Melinda Messineo, Associate Professor Department of Sociology,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Is Our Goal: Helping Faculty Embed Evidence-Based Practices into Their Classes
……………… Melinda Messineo, Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Director of Freshman Connections, Ball State University

2 Learning Is Our Goal: Helping Faculty Embed Evidence‐Based Practices into Their Classes
Melinda Messineo, Associate Professor of Sociology, Director of Freshman Connections, Ball State University April 13th, 2011

3 If a campus is resisting assessment
Common reasons for resistance – faculty view Assessment represents fundamental shift from Private to Public Orientation Implicit to Explicit Assumptions Short Term to Long Term Time Frame Lack of clarity What data is needed? What will be done with the data? How will this process impact my job? Is the call for assessment simply “the daily special”?

4 Identify gaps in the curriculum.
Bringing learning back to the center of the conversation-program development Begin by asking departments to articulate what a graduate of their program should look like at the end of their experience. Articulate which curricular opportunities will prepare them to achieve those qualities. Identify gaps in the curriculum.

5 Questions to consider What does learning look like?
How do we know learning is occurring? What are ways that we can increase learning? How do we know if it is working?

6 Articulate learning objectives and outcomes with the end in mind.
Bringing learning back to the center of the conversation-Course development Articulate learning objectives and outcomes with the end in mind. Align your course and program objectives with your assessment strategies. Embed as many assessments into the everyday running of the course as possible.

7 Questions to consider Do I articulate learning objectives but never measure them? Do I assess skills or content that I do not identify in my learning objectives? How can I increase alignment?

8 Embedded assessment- gathering data
Faculty encouraged to identify which assignments they have align with the learning objectives. Faculty design rubrics or instructions to prompt them at data collection points. Collect sample assignments. What do A, B, C versions of assignment look like?

9 Reporting data Report data online at end of each term with prompts for comparison and reflection. Departments post data online at end of each year with reflection. Data is ready for larger scale assessment efforts.

10 Assessment as Iterative
Focus on learning Align objectives with assessment Embed assessment in everyday course activities Build in prompts for reflection Report data systematically

11 For more information please contact Dr. Messineo at
Thank you! For more information please contact Dr. Messineo at

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