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How to Create & Use an Advantage Call List

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Presentation on theme: "How to Create & Use an Advantage Call List"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Create & Use an Advantage Call List

2 Lincoln Four Step Get a complete list of all voters.
Identify for whom they will vote. Persuade the undecided to support your candidate. Make sure every supporter votes. 1 2 3 4

3 Activists (ideology) “Saints” Activists (ideology): “Sinners”
Back to Basics General Population Activists (ideology) “Saints” Activists (ideology): “Sinners” We are not normal: We don't win by wasting time & energy arguing with opponents(“Sinners”). We don't win by only preaching to the choir. To win, we need votes from those not already with us who are open to persuasion. Most voters (emotion/mildly engaged): “Saveables”

4 Login through the Advantage website-

5 Select the ‘Assign Work’ tab

6 Select ‘Call List’

7 Click ‘New Call List’

8 Name the call list

9 Enter usernames of volunteers you want to have access to call list

10 Select Caller ID you want to be visible to voters who you will call

11 Select 2017 Turnout & Recruitment Callsfor Survey Name

12 Select ‘Harris County’ as the jurisdiction

13 Leave Turf Blank

14 Select Precinct

15 Leave ‘Voted Already’ box blank so that it shows ‘please select’

16 Hit the refresh button to reveal the number of voters available for calling

17 Select how many voters you would like assigned to your list

18 You can select a pre-recorded voicemail file to automatically leave voicemails

19 Hit the ‘Submit’ button to finalize your call list

20 A review for your completed call list will appear

21 Next, go to and log in using your Advantage account

22 Select the recently created call list

23 Choose a person to call

24 Click ‘Start Call’, then choose the appropriate survey response
Click ‘Start Call’, then choose the appropriate survey response. Click ‘Save & Next’ to move to next person

25 Our volunteers are the real difference makers
Our volunteers are the real difference makers! It’s because of YOUR efforts throughout each precinct that we will continue to keep Harris County from turning blue! Thank You!

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