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Animal Farm Propaganda Activity –

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1 Animal Farm Propaganda Activity –
Especially during times of war, countries often use propaganda, stories with themes and morals that support their positions, to try and sway enemy troops and populations. In the novel, the neighboring farmers tell their animals untrue stories about Animal Farm. Similarly, Napoleon and Snowball send pigeons to other farms with the message of the rebellion. 1. With a partner, create a slogan and a propaganda poster on cardstock. 2. Choose one of the following ideas to support: Animalism and the idea of rebellion against Man OR Man’s position to convince animals that rebellion is not a good idea. 3. Final Product – slogan must be clear, easy to read, and neat. The poster must be organized and include a visual (drawings, collage, pictures, symbols, etc). Put both names on the back side. *Due at the end of class

2 Samples- do not duplicate

3 Samples do not duplicate

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